Examples of Educational and research activities in a sentence
Educational and research activities are not confined to a single institution, but are performed collaboratively among cooperating institutions across the country or even around the world.
Educational and research activities refer to the following activities:(1)Curricular activitiesWhen a student is attending lectures, experiment and practical training classes, seminars, and physical education classes(here- after, inclusively termed as “classes”)including the following cases:i) When a student is engaged in research for his or her degree under the supervisor’s instruction.
Educational and research activities of the Faculty are based on interdisciplinary methodology, employing the knowledge and tools of a wide range of social and political sciences.
Educational and research activities require more and more information.
In connection with the Loan and Security Agreement entered in July 2013, the Company issued a warrant to Square 1 Bank to purchase 54,745 shares of the Company’s Series Seed Preferred shares at an initial exercise price of $0.2740 per share.
Attempts were made to instrumentalize all three faiths against the Georgian enemy.
Educational and research activities are not anymore enough, activities of establishing en- trepreneurial culture (Pei‐Lee & Chen‐Chen 2008), providing inspiration for entrepre- neurship (Turker & Selçuk 2009), offering experience of entrepreneurial process (Hei- nonen et al.
Educational and research activities supervisorThe supervisor is the director of the school.
Educational and research activities within this laboratory Both the mechanical and control aspects of the laboratory's technological section have been analyzed so far.
The other three must be at level 3.1. Educational and research activities 1.1. Educational activities9 For each activity, documentation should show the content of the different areas of W&P Psychology that was included in the program/courses, the Institution offering them and the number of credits/hours (add rows if needed).