Educational purpose definition

Educational purpose means classroom activities, research in academic subjects, career or professional development activities, Green Dot approved personal research activities, or other purposes as defined by the School from time to time.
Educational purpose means classroom activities, research in academic subjects, career or professional development activities, Charter School approved personal research activities, or other purposes as defined by the Charter School from time to time.
Educational purpose means classroom activities, research in academic subjects, career or professional development activities, research in matters of civic importance or that further citizenship in a democratic society, Excelsior approved personal research activities, or other purposes as defined by Excelsior from time to time.

Examples of Educational purpose in a sentence

  • Auditor’s ResponsibilityOur responsibility is to express a conclusion on the half-year financial report based on our review.

  • Educational purpose corresponds to the child’s appraisal of school as a meaningful context for learning and development (e.g., “I believe the things I learn at school will help me in my life”).

  • In the following rulings, state courts have determined that an attorney who pursues a sexual relationship with a client while representing the client in a marriage dissolution action violates the Rules of Professional Conduct and Code of ProfessionalResponsibility.

  • As per federal regulation, Iowa Lakes Community College must receive documentation of your identity AND a signed Statement of Educational purpose for the 2022-2023 award year.

  • P6010040ALL DIMENSIONS ARE mmNOT TO SCALE 20 Educational purpose of following questions: learn the basics of power transmission through chain-drives, belt-drives, and gear trains.

More Definitions of Educational purpose

Educational purpose means a local school administrative unit establishes a need to adopt a
Educational purpose means a district establishes a need to adopt a different calendar for a:
Educational purpose is defined as any non-commercial and non-profit use of Intellectual Property, including, but not limited to, a WRF owned publication or report utilized as a research tool and/or reference, to inform The Water community, water utility personnel, or the public of the outcome of this Project.
Educational purpose means classroom activities; research in matters of civic importance or that further citizenship in a democratic society, Charter School approved personal research activities, or other purposes as defined by the Charter School from time to time.
Educational purpose means any activity undertaken as part of a formal or informal educational program, and viewing historical, natural, archaeological, or scientific sites.
Educational purpose means classroom activities, research in academic subjects, career or professional development activities, ECRCHS approved personal research activities, or other purposes as defined by the ECRCHS from time to time.
Educational purpose is the guiding factor for all activities, which includes classroom activities, career development, and high-quality educational self-discovery activities. ➢ Electronic resources must be used in an educational manner to support Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Cooperation, and Communication.