Examples of Educational purpose in a sentence
Auditor’s ResponsibilityOur responsibility is to express a conclusion on the half-year financial report based on our review.
Educational purpose corresponds to the child’s appraisal of school as a meaningful context for learning and development (e.g., “I believe the things I learn at school will help me in my life”).
In the following rulings, state courts have determined that an attorney who pursues a sexual relationship with a client while representing the client in a marriage dissolution action violates the Rules of Professional Conduct and Code of ProfessionalResponsibility.
As per federal regulation, Iowa Lakes Community College must receive documentation of your identity AND a signed Statement of Educational purpose for the 2022-2023 award year.
P6010040ALL DIMENSIONS ARE mmNOT TO SCALE 20 Educational purpose of following questions: learn the basics of power transmission through chain-drives, belt-drives, and gear trains.