Examples of Educational unit in a sentence
Source type Statistical Research of Romanian Educational System (NIS) Representative level National level The most disaggregated statistical unit Educational unit with legal personality in which one or more educational levels are functioning.
The certificate of successful completion must include: ▪ Certificate holder’s name▪ Course completion date▪ Educational unit type earned (Contact Hours, semester units, quarter units, or continuing education units or points)▪ Number of Contact Hours, units, or points awarded▪ Course title▪ Name of the issuing organization▪ Authorized signature, stamp, seal, or other means of validation accepted by CWEA.
ContestantFirst and last name Date of birth Street address City and Postal Code Phone # / e-mail Musical Instrument Educational unit Teacher's name Please, check with Х the category you apply for: FIRST CATEGORY ОSECOND CATEGORYО THIRD CATEGORY О PROGRAMMEMUSICAL PIECECOMPOSER1.
Despite these factors, the Company experienced strong growth in Canada, Italy, Central Europe and Spain, as well as in Tax Compliance, Teleroute and Health’s Professional & Educational unit.
Educational unit: any organised activity that is assessed and is associated with credits (in practice, these are usually courses, but internships and seminars are also considered to be educational units).