Examples of Efficiency measures in a sentence
Efficiency measures or issues raised by the employer, an employee or group of employees, or by the union for consideration consistent with the objectives of subclause (2) hereof shall be processed through those consultative mechanism and procedures.
Total Capacity Supply Obligation = the total amount of Capacity Supply Obligations in the New England Control Area during the interval; provided, however, that if the interval occurs outside of Demand Resource On-Peak Hours or Demand Resource Seasonal Peak Hours, then the Capacity Supply Obligations associated with any applicable Energy Efficiency measures shall be excluded from the total amount of Capacity Supply Obligations.
The respect for HLP rights guarantees access to adequate housing and natural resources, land, the privacy of a home, the possibility of subsistence, as well as access to essential services, without the fear of expulsion or discrimination.
Summarise your council’s key strategies to improve performance against the Efficiency measures in the 2016-20 period, including the outcomes you expect to achieve.
Efficiency measures which may seek to vary a provision of this award shall be referred to the Tasmanian Industrial Commission.
For Energy Efficiency measures, if the Capacity Scarcity Condition occurs during Demand Resource On-Peak Hours or Demand Resource Seasonal Peak Hours, as applicable, then the Actual Capacity Provided shall be equal to the applicable reported monthly performance value; if the Capacity Scarcity Condition occurs in an interval outside of Demand Resource On-Peak Hours or Demand Resource Seasonal Peak Hours, as applicable, then the Actual Capacity Provided shall be zero.
Total Capacity Supply Obligation = the total amount of Capacity Supply Obligations in the New England Control Area during the interval, excluding the Capacity Supply Obligations associated with Energy Efficiency measures.
Efficiency measures the way in which resources are used to achieve the objectives.
Efficiency measures the outputs – qualitative and quantitative – in relation to the inputs.
Efficiency measures measure the efficient use of available resources and should be the second priority.