Effluent limitation definition
Examples of Effluent limitation in a sentence
Effluent limitation means any restriction imposed by the Director on quantities, discharge rates, and concentrations of “pollutants” which are “discharged” from “point sources” into “waters of the United States,” [40 CFR §122.2].
Effluent limitation guidelines or standards are promulgated pursuant to the CWA or Chapter90.48 RCW, for the category of dischargers covered under this General Permit;C.
Effluent limitation guidelines and new source performance standards (‘‘effluent guidelines’’) promulgated under section 304 and 306 of the CWA establish limitations and standards for specified wastestreams from industrial categories, and those limitations and standards are incorporated into permits issued under section 402 of the Act.
Effluent limitation developed for users by the director to specifically protect the POTW from the potential of pass through, interference, vapor toxicity, explosions, sewer corrosion, and contaminations of biosolids.
Effluent limitation developed for Industrial Users by the Manager to specifically protect the “Publicly Owned Treatment Plant” (POTW) from “Interference” and “Pass-through” based on site-specific design and disposal limits and conditions of the POTW.