Electric Power System definition
Examples of Electric Power System in a sentence
The American Electric Power System Stock Ownership Requirement Plan (the “Plan”) was established by American Electric Power Service Corporation (the “Company”) and such subsidiaries of the Parent Corporation that have Eligible Employees to facilitate the achievement and maintenance of Minimum Stock Ownership Requirements assigned to Eligible Employees.
Electric Power System (EPS) – The facilities that deliver electric power to a load.
This document (“Interconnection Tariff”) describes the process and requirements for an Interconnecting Customer to connect a power-generating facility to the Company’s Electric Power System (“Company EPS”), including discussion of technical and operating requirements, metering and billing options, and other matters, except as provided under the applicable ISO-NE tariff, and/or under the Qualifying Facility regulations in 220 CMR 8.04.
This document (“Interconnection Standard”) describes the process and requirements for an Interconnecting Customer to connect a Listed inverter based Facility sized up to 100 kVA to the Company’s Electric Power System (“Company EPS”), including discussion of technical and operating requirements, and other matters.
Area Electric Power System: The electric facilities of the local utility.