National Grid means National Grid Gas plc (Company No.2006000) whose registered office is at 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5EH.
Michigan national guard means that term as defined in section 105 of the Michigan military act, 1967 PA 150, MCL 32.505.
Regional Entity shall have the same meaning specified in the Operating Agreement.
New Holding Company means a corporation that is not a bank, association, or national banking association and as to which all of the following apply:
Healthcare services means any services included in the furnishing to any individual of medical, podiatric, or dental care, or hospitalization, or incident to the furnishing of that care or hospitalization, and the furnishing to any person of any and all other services for the purpose of preventing, alleviating, curing, or healing human illness, injury, or physical disability. Medically Necessary means medical, surgical, or other services required for the prevention, diagnosis, cure, or treatment of a health-related condition, including such services necessary to prevent a decremental change in either medical or mental health status. Originating Site means a site at which a patient is located at the time Healthcare Services are provided to them by means of telemedicine, which can be include a patient's home where Medically Necessary and Clinically Appropriate. Store-and-forward Technology means the technology used to enable the transmission of a patient's medical information from an Originating Site to the Healthcare Provider at the Distant Site without the patient being present. Telemedicine means the delivery of clinical Healthcare Services by use of real time, two-way synchronous audio, video, telephone-audio-only communications or electronic media or other telecommunications technology including, but not limited to: online adaptive interviews, remote patient monitoring devices, audiovisual communications, including the application of secure video conferencing and store-and-forward technology to provide or support healthcare delivery, which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, counseling and prescribing treatment, and care management of a patient’s health care while such patient is at an Originating Site and the Healthcare Provider is at a Distant Site, consistent with applicable federal laws and regulations. “Telemedicine” does not include an email message or facsimile transmission between a Provider and patient, or an automated computer program used to diagnose and/or treat ocular or refractive conditions. General Requirements
Mutual holding company means that term as defined in section 10(o) of the home owners' loan act, chapter 64, titles III and IX of Public Law 101-73, 12 U.S.C. 1467a, and OTS regulations governing mutual holding companies.
North American Numbering Plan (NANP) means the numbering architecture in which every station in the NANP Area is identified by a unique ten (10)-digit address consisting of a three (3)-digit NPA code, a three (3)-digit central office code of the form NXX, and a four (4)-digit line number of the form XXXX.
Long-term care services means services provided through the department of social and health services either in a hospital or skilled nursing facility, or in another setting under a home and community-based waiver authorized under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396n.
North American Numbering Plan or "NANP" means the basic numbering plan for the Telecommunications networks located in the United States as well as Canada, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Xxxxxxxx Islands and certain Caribbean Islands. The NANP format is a 10-digit number that consists of a 3-digit NPA code (commonly referred to as the area code) followed by a 3-digit NXX code and 4-digit line number.
Foreign professional corporation means a professional corporation organized under laws other than the laws of this state.
Regional economic integration organization means an organization constituted by sovereign States of a given region to which its member States have transferred competence in respect of matters governed by this Convention and which has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention;
Professional corporation means a corporation incorporated under former 1962 PA 192, or a corporation incorporated under this act and governed by chapter 2A.
Electric Reliability Organization or “ERO” means the organization that is certified by the Commission under Section 39.3 of its regulations, the purpose of which is to establish and enforce Reliability Standards for the Bulk Power System in the United States, subject to Commission review. The organization may also have received recognition by Applicable Governmental Authorities in Canada and Mexico to establish and enforce Reliability Standards for the Bulk Power Systems of the respective countries.
Personal Grievance means a claim that an employee: • has been unjustifiably dismissed; or • has had their employment, or their conditions of employment, affected to their disadvantage by some unjustifiable action by the employer; or • has been discriminated against; or • has been sexually harassed in their employment; or • has been racially harassed in their employment; or • has been subjected to duress in relation to membership or non-membership of a union.
Original Guarantors shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the Preamble hereof.
Additional Guarantors shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the Preamble hereof.
Long-term care means those activities taken by a host state after a compact facility is permanently closed to ensure the protection of air, land, and water resources and the health and safety of all people who may be affected by the compact facility.
Regional Board means a California regional water quality control board.
COVERED HEALTHCARE SERVICES means any service, treatment, procedure, facility, equipment, drug, device, or supply that we have reviewed and determined is eligible for reimbursement under this plan.
Parent Local Governor means the parent member of a Local Governing Body elected or appointed in accordance with Articles 54-56;
Nursing care means the practice of nursing as governed by ORS chapter 678 and OAR chapter 851.
Qualified long-term care services means services that meet the requirements of Section 7702(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, as follows: necessary diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, curative, treatment, mitigation and rehabilitative services, and maintenance or personal care services which are required by a chronically ill individual, and are provided pursuant to a plan of care prescribed by a licensed health care practitioner.
Asset Management Plan means a strategic document that states how a group of assets are to be managed over a period of time. The plan describes the characteristics and condition of infrastructure assets, the levels of service expected from them, planned actions to ensure the assets are providing the expected level of service, and financing strategies to implement the planned actions. The plan may use any appropriate format, as long as it includes the information and analysis required to be in a plan as described in Ontario’s Building Together: Guide for Asset Management Plans.
RSC means the Regional Security Coordinator(s) (RSC(s)) appointed for CCR Hansa, unless it is explicitly otherwise stated, according to Article 77(1)(a) of the SO Regulation that will perform the tasks allocated to this(these) RSC(s) according to Article 77(1)(c)(i) of the SO Regulation;
Traditional member of the National Guard or federal reserves means an active member of the Selected Reserve subject to mobilization and deployment for which he or she attends monthly and annual training periods.
Organized criminal group means a structured group of three or more persons, existing for a period of time and acting in concert with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or offences established in accordance with this Convention, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit;