Examples of Electromagnetic disturbance in a sentence
In addition, patients had exhausted other available therapies including alkylators (e.g., cyclophosphamide, melphalan) and steroids (e.g., prednisone, dexamethasone).
A good example is the test of the geotagged photo application (Agrisnap) of UC4a that has been tested by PA staff of the other MSs whereas potential users are farmers.
Electromagnetic disturbance (EMD)" means any electromagnetic phenomenon that may degrade the performance of an equipment and/or system.
Electromagnetic disturbance can also have external sources, which is also a common though also frequency dependent problem in an industrial environment [8].c) International standards in frequency allocation.
Luxury Institute Global Luxury Expert Network (GLEN) members strongly recommend that brands develop an in-house best practices program to actively inspire client referrals.