electronic display definition

electronic display means a display screen and associated electronics that, as its primary function, displays visual information from wired or wireless sources;
electronic display means the display of all information contemplated to be located at the Domain Site in a form such that it may be viewed or accessed via electronic transmission through (i) the Intenet or systems substantially like the Internet (such as America On-Line or @Home) and (ii) subject to the provisions of Section 5.6(c), other electronic media or formats. "Enhanced Content Agreement" shall have the meaning specified in
electronic display meansadisplayscreen andassociated electronics that, as its primary function, displays visual information from wired or wireless sources, that is primarily intended for use in a household and/or in an office, and that is, as delivered to the user to be connected to an AC mains power source, or a standardized DC power source (e.g. USB) for its intended use, either directly or via an external power supply.

More Definitions of electronic display

electronic display means a single display screen on which technical charts or indexed search results with respect to securities trading information can be displayed at one's option.
electronic display means a display screen and associated electronics that, as its primary function, displays visual information from wired or wireless sources. The term 'monitor', sometimes used for products on the market, is considered as equivalent to 'display' within the context of this Regulation;
electronic display means a media device, with display made from Light Emitting Diode(LED) or Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)or any other electronic source, to display running text, images, displays and informational messages from computer programs and software or any other means;
electronic display means a product with a display and associated electronics of which the primary function is to display visual information and that is connected to the mains power source for its intended continuous use, either directly or via an external power supply.
electronic display means text, images, or sound rendered via any electronic device designed to present information, whether generated by the device or transmitted from another source.
electronic display means a consumer product with a display screen
electronic display means a device which displays the conduct of the game and the result of at least the most recent Round of Play and may also include promotional messages.