Eligible Areas definition
Examples of Eligible Areas in a sentence
Flowchart of Methodology Proposed to Calculate the Potential Amount of Total Carbon Capture in Eligible Areas.
Eligible Areas Impacted by the April 2011 Tornado The areas eligible for Jefferson County’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery funds include Concord, Pleasant Grove, Alabama, North Smithfield, McDonald Chapel, Warrior, Alabama, Fultondale, Alabama, and Vestavia Hills Alabama.
Eligible projects within the defined Eligible Areas will be considered for benefits provided the application can achieve the required minimum number of points.
Telehealth Eligible Areas for specialist services are all those regions that are outside a Major City (RA2-5).A patient’s geographic eligibility can be checked by using the Health Workforce Locator Map on the Department of Health DoctorConnect website at www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/health-workforce-locator/health- workforce-locator.
Joint domain (joint ownership) also horizontal property regime.Conservation Community Character Policy, Eligible Areas.
See, Eligible Areas, Natural Conservation and Rural Land Use Policies, and Conservation and T2 Rural Neighborhood Maintenance Community Character Policies.
Once approved by the US Treasury, census tracts remain designated for a term of 10 years. Eligible Census Tracts: An Opportunity Zone is defined as any census tract that has either: (1) a poverty rate of at least 20%, or (2) a median family income that does not exceed 80% of statewide median income. California Eligible Areas: Based on guidance from the U.S. Treasury, California had 3,516 eligible low-income census tracts, meaning California was able to nominate up to 879 census tracts.
Public Notice, 35 FCC Rcd 2685 (WCB 2020) (Auction 904 Preliminary Eligible Areas Public Notice).
CMHC retains the annual mortgage-related funding to make the mortgage payments, and accordingly neither the funding nor the mortgage payments are recorded by the Government.
No tracking or killing of deer shall occur on property adjoining the Eligible Areas unless written permission from the landowner is first obtained.