Eligible volunteer definition
Examples of Eligible volunteer in a sentence
Eligible volunteer employees shall mean unit employees except those on probation, remediation or specialty placement.
Eligible volunteer or work activity would be defined as volunteering or working for at least one semester to assist Wisconsin in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eligible volunteer employees or eligible employees shall mean unit employees, except those on probation, remediation or specialty placement; or employees within their first two 24-week rotations following the FTO program.
Allowable soft match includes:• Eligible volunteer time includes time individuals spend on an EMPG related activity that is not part of their normal duties.
In the event of an Eligible Volunteer’s death, irrespective of whether the Eligible Volunteer is married or not, or whether the Eligible volunteer has children or not, the Plan shall pay burial benefit of three thousand dollars ($3,000) to the surviving spouse, and if there is no surviving spouse, to the estate of the Eligible Volunteer.
Volunteer Activities and Information • Eligible volunteer activities could include prepping site, painting, removing and planting landscaping.
The option to grant disaster privileges to eligible volunteer Practitioners and AHPs is made on a case- by-case basis in accordance with the needs of the organization and its patients, and based upon the qualifications of its eligible volunteer Practitioners and AHPs. Eligible volunteer Practitioners and AHPs presenting to Guttenberg Municipal Hospital during a disaster will be directed to the Emergency Operations Center for processing.
Eligible volunteer work is defined as providing free services to charitable organizations within the community.
Eligible volunteer and career members reaching their 65a' birthday shall automatically be entered into this category of membership.
Eligible volunteer Practitioners and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) who do not possess Medical Staff privileges may be granted disaster privileges when the Emergency Management Plan has been activated and the organization is unable to meet immediate patient care needs.