Examples of Elite Event in a sentence
For Elite Events held between October 1 and December 31, expenditures incurred prior to the beginning of the fiscal year may be reimbursed in the fiscal year the Elite Event is held if expressly allowed in the Funding Agreement.
Applicants receiving Elite Event funding will be required to enter into and sign a Tourism Promotions Agreement prepared by the Pinellas County Attorney’s Office.
The genesis of the Elite Event program was called “New Product” funding, which then became “Special Events” funding and is now operated under the current name.
Therefore, applications for Elite Event funding are for annual events that are held within the next fiscal year after the application submittal date between October 1 and the following September 30.
By accepting Elite Event funding, the applicant agrees to allow the VSPC's staff and/or research firm of record access to the venue to conduct on site intercepts with attendees to determine the value of the event, festival, program, or project to tourism and its potential for future growth.
The athlete will fully cooperate with and provide any additional information requested by the Self- Identity Panel or Elite Event Fairness Panel.
In addition, timing of the Elite Event should not conflict with other Elite Events or other special events taking place in Pinellas County.
Ability of the Elite Event to fulfill any previous contractual obligations with Pinellas County.
Ability of the Elite Event to attract high caliber and high profile artists, athletes and/or participants to perform and/or attend in Pinellas County.
In order for an athlete to submit a Self-Identity Verification Request or Elite Event Fairness Application, the athlete must be an athlete member of USA Swimming.