Examples of Emergency withdrawal in a sentence
If at any time a request of an Unforeseeable Emergency withdrawal is approved, the Plan Administrator may thereupon distribute so much of the Account as is necessary to provide the amount approved to meet the Unforeseeable Emergency, as determined by the Plan Administrator.
Values for purposes of determining the source of the withdrawal under this Section shall be determined on the date the Plan Administrator approves the amount of the Unforeseeable Emergency withdrawal, or such other date determined by the Plan Administrator.
A Participant may request an Unforeseeable Emergency withdrawal by submitting that request in writing on the approved form to the Plan Administrator's staff, who will review the request.
The amount of an Unforeseeable Emergency withdrawal may include any amounts necessary to pay any federal, state, or local income taxes reasonably anticipated to result from the distribution.
A Participant may request an Unforeseeable Emergency withdrawal from his or her Account.
Emergency withdrawal of funds may be approved upon the issuance of an opinion by the deferred compensation provider that the emergency situation complies with the Internal Revenue Code.
Emergency withdrawal of water from a pond or flowing body of water for the purpose of fighting fires is permissible in accordance with Rule 6.01, provided that the water withdrawal is for a specificemergency event and that other sources of water are inadequate or inaccessible at the time of the emergency.
The Participant may specify the Account from which the Participant seeks to take an Unforeseeable Emergency withdrawal; if no Account is specified, the Unforeseeable Emergency withdrawal shall be from the Participant’s Pre-Tax Deferrals Account, until it is exhausted.
The amount of an Unforeseeable Emergency withdrawal may include any amounts necessary to pay any federal, state or local income taxes reasonably anticipated to result from the distribution.
To apply for benefit payments/withdrawals or an Unforeseeable Emergency withdrawal, contact ICMA-RC at 0-000-000-0000.