Examples of Emission Limit in a sentence
Table 6-2 – Sulfur Dioxide Emission Limit Compliance with the sulfur dioxide emission limit is based on a three-hour rolling average, which is the arithmetic average of three contiguous one-hour periods.
The overall compliance of the final effluent with the Emission Limit Values (ELVs) is shown below.
The customer is responsible for selecting and installing the Class 1 laser transceiver and for insuring that the Class 1 AEL (Allowable Emission Limit) per EN/IEC 60825, CSA E60825-1, and Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 1040 is not exceeded after the laser transceiver have been installed.
The design of the wastewater treatment plant allows for peak values and therefore the peak loads have not impacted on compliance with Emission Limit Values.
If the en- gine was certified with a Family Emis- sion Limit, as noted on the emission control information label, the modified engine may not exceed this Family Emission Limit.