Table 3. Appendix Information
Table 3. Intervention studies on the effect of statins on FMD in patients with DM2 without CVD REFERENCES
Table 3. Materials Design Pillar Timelines of Activities, Milestones, Metrics, and Anticipated Outcomes Goal 1.1: Selec Objectiv Objectiv Objective 1.1a tion of optimal hard e 1.1a: Design and e 1.1b: Characterize CCBSE RESmaterials as porou optimize nanoclay the scaffolds and EARCH GOALS: Materials Design Pillar s bone-mimetic scaffolds scaffolds demonstrate cancer cell growth Specific milestones Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Responsible parties Activity 1: Prepare nanoclay scaffolds with amino acids for cancer cell growth Activity 2: Assist non-RU campuses involved in Activity 1 with compliance protocols Prepare scaffolds based on prior studies Assist with the initiation of conversations between non-RU faculty and RU campuses for the administration of necessary compliance protocols (IBC, MTAs) [Approved by NSF on 7/28/21] Optimize amino acid structure based on modeling, the loading amount, prepare two additional scaffolds, provide scaffolds to nanomaterials sub-group and Cellular Systems Pillar Ensure that all necessary compliance protocols are in place at the non- RU campuses [Approved by NSF on 7/28/21] Provide feedback to the Computational Approaches Pillar, optimize scaffold materials, provide the scaffolds for nanomaterials testing Ensure that all necessary compliance protocols are in place at the non- RU campuses [Approved by NSF on 7/28/21] Continue to prepare the optimized scaffold, provide them to Cellular Systems Pillar Ensure that all necessary compliance protocols are in place at the non-RU campuses [Approved by NSF on 7/28/21] Continue to prepare the optimized scaffold Ensure that all necessary compliance protocols are in place at the non-RU campuses [Approved by NSF on 7/28/21] Lead: X. Xxxxx, Co-lead: X. Xx, X. Xxx, (Computational Approaches Pillar liaison), New Hire at NDSU [Approved by NSF 9/8/21] Leads: X. Xxxxx, X. Xxxxx, X. Xxxxxx, X. Xxxx Activity 1: Mechanical Continue with Optimize scaffold Continue to prepare Continue to prepare Lead: X. Xxxxx Characterize characterization, characterization, and cancer cell the optimized the optimized Co-lead: G. the scaffolds biocompatibility optimize cell growth conditions, scaffolds with scaffolds with cancer Xx, X. Xxx and culture of testing, spheroid growth, nanomechanics cancer cells and cells and patient- (Computational breast and nanomechanics, nanomechanics patient-derived derived samples Approaches prostate metastatic samples Pillar liaison), cancer cells breast and New Hire at prostate grow...
Table 3. The list of parties and description of the transfer are as set out in Annex I.A and I.B of the Appendix to this DPA, Splunk’s technical and organisational measures are set in Annex II of the Appendix to this DPA, and the list of Splunk’s Sub-processors is at: xxxxx://
Table 3. Applicable Preconstruction Survey and Notification Requirements based on Land Cover Types and Habitat Elements Identified in Table 2a. Species Preconstruction Survey and Notification Requirements None San Xxxxxxx kit xxx (p. 6-38) Map all dens (>5 in. diameter) and determine status. Determine if breeding or xxxxxxx foxes are in the project area. Provide written preconstruction survey results to FWS within 5 working days after surveying. Western burrowing owl (p. 6-40) Giant garter snake (p. 6- 44) California tiger salamander (p. 6-46) (notification only) California red-legged frog (p. 6-47) (notification only) Covered shrimp species (p. 6-47) Xxxxxxxx’x big-eared bat (p. 6-37) Swainson’s hawk (p. 6- 42) Map all xxxxxxx and determine status. Document use of habitat (e.g. breeding, foraging) in/near disturbance area (within 500 ft.) Delineate aquatic habitat up to 200 ft. from water’s edge. Document any sightings of garter snake. Provide written notification to USFWS and CDFG regarding timing of construction and likelihood of occurrence in the project area. Provide written notification to USFWS and CDFG regarding timing of construction and likelihood of occurrence in the project area. Document and evaluate use of all habitat features (e.g., vernal pools, rock outcrops). Document occurrences of covered shrimp. Determine if site is occupied or shows signs of recent occupation (guano). Determine whether nests are occupied. Describe the preconstruction survey’s or notification conditions applicable to any species checked in Table 3. All preconstruction surveys shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 6.4.3, Species-Level Measures, and Table 6-1 of the HCP/NCCP. Prior to any ground disturbance related to covered activities, a USFWS/CDFG–approved biologist will conduct a preconstruction survey in areas identified in the planning survey as supporting suitable breeding or xxxxxxx habitat for San Xxxxxxx kit fox. The survey will establish the presence or absence of San Xxxxxxx kit foxes and/or suitable dens and evaluate use by kit foxes in accordance with USFWS survey guidelines (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1999). Preconstruction survey will be conducted within 30 days of ground disturbance. On the parcel where the activity is proposed, the biologist will survey the proposed disturbance footprint and a 250-foot radius from the perimeter of the proposed project footprints to identify San Xxxxxxx kit foxes and/or suitable dens. Adj...
Table 3. 1.1 – Royalty Payments [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***]
Table 3. 14: Additional types of support from Venture Capital or Private Equity fund, percentage of GIF beneficiaries
Table 3. 19: Share of the investment that would have been made without the financial support, percentage of beneficiaries GIF SMEG
Table 3. 20: Size of the turnover in the year financing was received (euro), percentage of beneficiaries GIF SMEG
Table 3. 21: Increase in annual turnover attributed to the financial instrument, percentage of beneficiaries GIF (2010) GIF (2011) SMEG (2010) SMEG (2011)