Examples of EMMA System in a sentence
Upon any such legal defeasance, the Issuer shall provide notice of such defeasance to the EMMA System.
If such a document is a final official statement, it also must be available from the EMMA System.
The City of San Diego’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 (CAFR), which includes the City’s Fiscal Year 2014 audited financial statements, was electronically submitted to the EMMA System of the MSRB on March 13, 2015.
Upon any such legal defeasance, the School District shall provide notice of such defeasance to the EMMA System.
Any filing under this Disclosure Certificate must be made solely by transmitting such filing to the MSRB (defined herein) through the Electronic Municipal Market Access ("EMMA") System at www.emma.msrb.org in the format prescribed by the MSRB.