Examples of Note Factor in a sentence
The loadings and common- alities resembled each other, therefore showing that results are stable within two samples.Table 1 Total variance explained and rotated factor loading matrix (OBLIMIN) No.Items Note: Factor loadings below .40 have been suppre- ssedSource: Own research The average inter-item correlation for 16 items is.506, which exceeds the value of .30 suggested by Hair et al.
Factor the following into design costs:o Redrawing of 30 graphso Redrawing of 30 tableso Creation of 30 infographicso Design of company organogramo Creative manipulation of Board and Executive Pictures (to create a more interesting image)o Note: Factor in 20 hours for changes and corrections Item 2 – Printing of A4 Annual Report• 200 inside pages: Magno Plus Silk 150gsm• 4 Page cover: Magno Plus Silk 350gsm• 200 copies• The 180 inside pages will be divided into 7 tabbed sections.
Summary of Exploratory Factor Analysis Results of theIDEA E.A. Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (N = 296) Note: Factor loadings over .50 appear in bold.
Socioeconomic Status (Form F)5%* *Note: Factor 5 -After total evaluation points are achieved, an addition of 5% of point total is awarded for socioeconomic status.
Please refer to the Factor Rate Table below: Note: Factor Rates are valid unless otherwise stated and may be subject to change.