Examples of Energy Loan in a sentence
The Coastal Energy Loan Debt Service Program is not maintained by a trustee.
Under the Coastal Energy Loan Program (Program), the Authority issued $5,000,000 1986 Series A Coastal Energy Bonds (Bonds) payable to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
The parties recognize that the Recipient may use funds under this award for Property- Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loans, Sustainable Energy Municipal Financing, Clean Energy Assessment Districts, Energy Loan Tax Assessment Programs (ELTAPS), or any other form or derivation of Special Taxing District whereby taxing entities collect payments through increased tax assessments for energy efficiency and renewable energy building improvements made by their constituents.
The Coastal Energy Loan Program notes do not have a claim on any capital reserve funds of the Bond Bank and are payable solely from the payments of the municipalities participating in the Program.
The municipal bonds and municipal bond payments, investments thereof and proceeds of such investments, if any, and all funds and accounts established by the bond resolution to be held by the Trustee (with the exception of the Coastal Energy Loan Debt Service Program, which is administered by the Authority) are pledged and assigned for the payment of bonds.Alaska Statue (AS) 44.85.180(c) was originally enacted in 1975, limiting Bond Bank outstanding bonds at any time to $150 million.
Pursuant to 24 CFR 990.190(b), a PHA with a HUD-approved EPC for the “Add-on” incentive, is eligible for Energy Loan Amortization.
Payments of interest and principal by municipalities having coastal energy loans are made directly to the federal government by the municipalities and are accounted for in the Coastal Energy Loan Debt Service Program.
The parties recognize that the Recipient may use funds under this award for Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loans, Sustainable Energy Municipal Financing, Clean Energy Assessment Districts, Energy Loan Tax Assessment Programs (ELTAPS), or any other form or derivation of Special Taxing District whereby taxing entities collect payments through increased tax assessments for energy efficiency and renewable energy building improvements made by their constituents.
The Department of Buildings and General Service is authorized to provide financing to municipalities through the Municipal Energy Loan Program for equipment replacement, studies, weatherization, construction of improvements affecting the use of energy resources, the implementation of energy efficiency and conservation measures, and the use of renewable resources.(b) Loan eligibility and criteria.
Customers are also referred to solutions, including participating retailers in the Energy Efficiency Products program, the E‐store and the Keystone Home Energy Loan Program for financing the balance of project costs.