Enforcement assessment definition

Enforcement assessment means the supplemental food enforcement surcharge added to a forfeiture or recoupment.
Enforcement assessment means an assessment levied pursuant to Section
Enforcement assessment means the amount added to a forfeiture or recoupment required under Wis. Stat. § 253.06 (5)(c).

Examples of Enforcement assessment in a sentence

  • Enforcement assessment: Threshold Conditions casesWe may take enforcement action against an Authorised Person who no longer meets the Threshold Conditions.

  • In addition to assessment of samples of Electrical Appliances and Materials manufactured or imported, assessment must be conducted by registered conformity assessment bodies with respect to testing facilities in plants where they are manufactured, based on Appendix Table 4 of the Ordinance for Enforcement (assessment facilities).

  • Key areas of vulnerability for Dyfed-Powys Police are assessed through a risk assessment process known as a MoRiLE (Management of Risk in Law Enforcement) assessment.

  • Driver improvement surcharge imposed by s.346.655; (cg) Enforcement assessment imposed by s.

  • Defendant shall disclose to EPA, when the proposed FRP Auditors are identified, any past or existing contractual or financial relationship between Defendant and any proposed FRP Auditor that is identified by Defendant after reasonable inquiry.a. EPA, after review of Defendant’s proposed FRP Auditors, shall notify Defendant whether EPA approves the selection of any proposed auditor(s).

  • She had experienced an acute stress reaction in relation to the meeting on 25 March 2015, but there was no medical reason why the investigatory process should not now continue.

  • Enforcement assessment If the COC concludes that there has been an infringement that creates an unauthorized commercial association with the Olympic Brand, the COC will next consider what appropriate enforcement action, if any, to take.

  • The Chief of Recreation/Chief Ranger will then approve an offer of employment to the recommended individual with satisfactory Law Enforcement assessment.

  • Enforcement assessment: Recognition and Remote Recognition Requirements We may take enforcement action against a Recognised Body or Remote Recognised Body that no longer satisfies the Recognition Requirements or Remote Recognition Requirements, as applicable.

  • Law Enforcement assessment of a potential or credible event of terrorism within the Town of Rocky Hill may cause the need to coordinate with mutual aid agencies to enhance response.

More Definitions of Enforcement assessment

Enforcement assessment means assessments imposed pursuant to Section 5311.08(B)(12) of the Act, including, but not limited to, the imposition of interest and late charges for late payment of Assessments, imposition of assessments for violation of the Declaration, By-Laws, and Rules, and reasonable charges for damage to the Common Elements or other property.

Related to Enforcement assessment

  • Assessment means determination of tax liability under this Act and includes self-assessment, re-assessment, provisional assessment, summary assessment and best judgement assessment;

  • Enforcement Costs means court expenses, reasonable attorney fees of the attorney general, and other reasonable expenses of an executive department that are incurred in relation to enforcement under this part.

  • Needs assessment In this section, LEAs are asked to describe the impact of the pandemic on their students, examine disproportionate impacts on specific student groups, and highlight the LEA’s promising practices in supporting student needs since March 2020. Indicators of Impact

  • Impact Assessment has the meaning given to it in Clause 22.1.3 (Variation Procedure);

  • Enforcement Procedures means the procedures for the enforcement of Mortgages from time to time in accordance with the relevant Seller’s Policy;

  • Internal test assessment means, but is not limited to, conducting those tests of quality assurance necessary to ensure the integrity of the test.

  • Enforcement Expenses shall include all reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs, transcript costs, fees of experts, travel expenses, duplicating costs, printing and binding costs, telephone charges, postage, delivery service fees, and all other out-of-pocket disbursements or expenses of the types customarily incurred in connection with an action to enforce indemnification or advancement rights, or an appeal from such action. Expenses, however, shall not include fees, salaries, wages or benefits owed to Indemnitee.

  • Data Protection Impact Assessment means an assessment by the Controller of the impact of the envisaged processing on the protection of Personal Data.

  • conformity assessment means the process demonstrating whether the requirements of this Regulation relating to a device have been fulfilled;

  • Phase I Environmental Assessment A “Phase I assessment” as described in, and meeting the criteria of, the ASTM, plus a radon and asbestos inspection.

  • Environmental Impact Assessment means a systematic examination conducted to determine whether or not a programme, activity or project will have any adverse impacts on the environment;

  • self-assessment means an assessment made by a taxpayer or his representative under section 28;

  • Site Assessment means an environmental assessment report for the Mortgaged Property prepared at Borrower’s expense by a qualified environmental consultant engaged by Borrower, or by Lender on behalf of Borrower, and approved by Lender, and in a manner reasonably satisfactory to Lender, based upon an investigation relating to and making appropriate inquiries to evaluate the risks associated with Mold and any existence of Hazardous Materials on or about the Mortgaged Property, and the past or present discharge, disposal, release or escape of any such substances, all consistent with the most current version of the ASTM 1527 standard (or any successor standard published by ASTM) and good customary and commercial practice.

  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment or “ESIA” means a site-specific report, to be prepared in accordance with the parameters laid down in the ESMF (as hereinafter defined) and acceptable to the Association, identifying and assessing the potential environmental and social impacts of the activities to be undertaken for the Project, evaluating alternatives, and designing appropriate mitigation, management, and monitoring measures.

  • development charge means a charge imposed pursuant to this By-law;

  • Environmental Assessment means an assessment of the presence, storage or release of any hazardous or toxic substance, pollutant or contaminant with respect to the collateral securing a Shared-Loss Loan that has been fully or partially charged off.

  • conformity assessment body means a body that performs conformity assessment activities including calibration, testing, certification and inspection;

  • Assessment area means an area, or, if more than one area is designated, the

  • Preliminary assessment means the first phase in the process of identifying areas of concern and determining whether contaminants are or were present at a site or have migrated or are migrating from a site, and shall include the initial search for and evaluation of, existing site specific operational and environmental information, both current and historic, to determine if further investigation concerning the documented, alleged, suspected or latent discharge of any contaminant is required. The evaluation of historic information shall be conducted from 1932 to the present, except that the department may require the search for and evaluation of additional information relating to ownership and use of the site prior to 1932 if such information is available through diligent inquiry of the public records.

  • Family assessment means a comprehensive assessment of child

  • Risk assessment means a programme to determine any risk associated with any hazard at a construction site , in order to identify the steps needed to be taken to remove, reduce or control such hazard;