Enter definition
Enter means intrusion of the entire body.
Enter means to go into an area to inspect all visible components.
Enter means the act by which a person becomes eligible to receive any prize offered in a sweepstakes.
Examples of Enter in a sentence
Enter only the portion of the cost that applies to the operation of the nursing home in Column D.
Enter your name as shown on required U.S. federal tax documents on line 1.
Enter your individual name as shown on your 1040/1040A/1040EZ on line 1.
Enter total dollar amounts awarded to enrolled full-time and less than full-time degree-seeking undergraduates (using the same cohort reported in CDS Question B1, “total degree-seeking” undergraduates) in the following categories.
Enter the docket number excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to access the document.
More Definitions of Enter
Enter means to go into an area to inspect all readily accessible, readily openable, and readily visible components.
Enter means to physically go into an attic, crawl- space, or other area. Simply sticking one's head and shoulders into these areas is not entering.
Enter or “entry” means the act or process by which a person becomes eligible to receive any prize offered in a sweepstakes.
Enter means to inscribe in the land register a memorial recording any notice, caveat, injunction or prohibitory order, and "entry" and' "entered" shall be construed accordingly;
Enter. The words “enter,” “entered,” “entering,” “note,” “noted,” “noting,” “reflect,” “reflected” and “reflecting” mean that we (or you, as we allow) type, input or write your information in documents or our computer system that pertains to your actions and transactions on our products and services, which becomes part of and is re- tained in our records.
Enter means intrusion of the entire body or the entire unmanned aircraft.
Enter means to go into an area and observe all visible components.