Examples of Entire Insert in a sentence
Only one Cash Payment will be made per Principal Work, Entire Insert or Partial Insert regardless of the number of times that Google has Digitized such Principal Work or Insert and regardless of the number of Books in which such Principal Work or Insert appears.
Such forty-five million United States dollars (U.S. $45 million) will be distributed from the Settlement Fund in the form of Cash Payments of at least sixty United States dollars (U.S. $60) per Principal Work; fifteen United States dollars (U.S. $15) per Entire Insert; and five United States dollars (U.S. $5) per Partial Insert in accordance with the Plan of Allocation.
Google will make a Cash Payment of at least US $60 per Principal Work, US $15 per Entire Insert, and US $5 per Partial Insert for which at least one Rightsholder has registered a valid claim on or before January 5, 2010.
Insert authors do not share in that revenue, butinstead are consigned to accept a small fee, solely for inclusion of their works in Institutional Subscriptions, of “no less than US $50 per Entire Insert and US $25 per Partial Insert” subject to a lifetime cap of $500.
See Section 1.111 of the Settlement Agreement for a full definition of “Principal Work.”• Depending on the number of Principal Works and Inserts claimed by Rightsholders, if the total amount distributed to all such Rightsholders is less than US $45 million, the Registry will distribute the balance to such Rightsholders up to a maximum of US $300 per Principal Work, US $75 per Entire Insert, and US $25 per Partial Insert.
As for Books and Inserts digitized before May 5, 2009, Google will pay $45 million into a Settlement Fund to make Cash Payments to Rightsholders—at least $60 per Principal Work, $15 per Entire Insert, and $5 per Partial Insert, for which at least one Rightsholder has registered a valid claim on or before the agreed-upon deadline.
If payment of all eligible claims requires less than $45 million, the Registry will distribute greater amounts up to a maximum of $300 per Principal Work, $75 per Entire Insert, and $25 per Partial Insert.
See Section 1.111 of the Settlement Agreement for a full definition of “Principal Work.” • Depending on the number of Principal Works and Inserts claimed by Rightsholders, if the total amount distributed to all such Rightsholders is less than US $45 million, the Registry will distribute the balance to such Rightsholders up to a maximum of US $300 per Principal Work, US $75 per Entire Insert, and US $25 per Partial Insert.
See Section 1.111 of the Settlement Agreement for a full definition of “Principal Work.” • Depending on the number of Principal Works and Inserts claimed by Rightsholders, if the total amount distributed to all such Rightsholders is less than US $45 million, the Registry will distribute the balance to such Rightsholders up to a maximum of US $300 per Principal Work,US $75 per Entire Insert, and US $25 per Partial Insert.
The compensation envisaged by Google is the following: “at least sixty United States dollars (U.S. $60) per Principal Work, fifteen United States dollars (U.S. $15) per Entire Insert, and five United States dollars (U.S. $5) per Partial Insert”.