Environment Impact Assessment definition

Environment Impact Assessment means an Environmental Impact Assessment Study carried out in accordance with the Environment Protection (Impact Assessment) Regulations, 1996 (S.I. 39 of 1996);
Environment Impact Assessment means a systematic examination conducted to determine whether or not a programme, activity or project will have any adverse impacts on the environment;
Environment Impact Assessment means an assessment of the possible positive or negative impacts that a proposed project may have on the environment, along with the social and economic aspects;

Examples of Environment Impact Assessment in a sentence

  • Category B projects require environmental clearance from the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA).

  • The environmental safeguards contained in the application of the promoter / mentioned during the presentation before State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority/State Expert Appraisal Committee should be implemented in letter and spirit.iv.

  • In the case of any change(s) in the scope of the project, the project would require a fresh appraisal by State Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Punjab.iii.

  • Relevant guidelines as per Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification issued in January 1994 and subsequently on 14th September 2006 under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 will be kept in mind while spelling out mitigation measures.

  • Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process used to identify the environmental, social & economic impacts of a project prior to decision making.

  • Works related to Flood control benefit studies, Balance drilling, entire drifting work, Finalization of Power Potential Studies, Power Stsem and evacuation studies, Environment Impact Assessment studies, Geophysical studies, Geo-mapping for Sisauli barrage are still to be taken up.

  • Schedule 2 paragraph 10(a) of the Regulations states that proposals for urban development projects of more than 0.5 hectares in area may require an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA).

  • The projects requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment report shall be termed Category ‘B1’ and remaining projects shall be termed Category ‘B2’ and will not require an Environment Impact Assessment report.

  • This project report has been undertaken in accordance with the Environment (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003, which operationalizes the Environmental Management and Coordination Act, 1999.

  • The Strategy directs integration of climate change risk and vulnerability assessment in the Environment Impact Assessment and the Strategic Environment Assessment.

More Definitions of Environment Impact Assessment

Environment Impact Assessment means an assessment, to include an examination, analysis and evaluation, carried out by the appropriate Minister in accordance with this Act that shall identify, describe and assess in an appropriate manner, in light of each individual case and in accordance with Articles 4 to 11 of the Council Directive, the direct and indirect effects of a proposed development on the following:
Environment Impact Assessment means the definition assigned to it under the EMCA.
Environment Impact Assessment or “EIA” means the environmental impact assessment for the Project, including any update thereto, prepared and submitted by WMG and cleared by ADB;

Related to Environment Impact Assessment

  • Environmental Impact Assessment means a systematic examination conducted to determine whether or not a programme, activity or project will have any adverse impacts on the environment;

  • Phase I Environmental Assessment A “Phase I assessment” as described in, and meeting the criteria of, the ASTM, plus a radon and asbestos inspection.

  • Risk assessment means a programme to determine any risk associated with any hazard at a construction site , in order to identify the steps needed to be taken to remove, reduce or control such hazard;

  • conformity assessment means the process demonstrating whether the requirements of this Regulation relating to a device have been fulfilled;

  • conformity assessment body means a body that performs conformity assessment activities including calibration, testing, certification and inspection;

  • Preliminary assessment means the first phase in the process of identifying areas of concern and determining whether contaminants are or were present at a site or have migrated or are migrating from a site, and shall include the initial search for and evaluation of, existing site specific operational and environmental information, both current and historic, to determine if further investigation concerning the documented, alleged, suspected or latent discharge of any contaminant is required. The evaluation of historic information shall be conducted from 1932 to the present, except that the department may require the search for and evaluation of additional information relating to ownership and use of the site prior to 1932 if such information is available through diligent inquiry of the public records.