Environmental Investigation and Risk Management Report definition
Examples of Environmental Investigation and Risk Management Report in a sentence
The issues identified in this Part 3 are to be taken as the minimum environmental issues to be addressed and the Environmental Investigation and Risk Management Report should not be restricted only to the issues included in this list.
In the Environmental Investigation and Risk Management Report the Operator must nominate all sensitive surrounding environments including important wetlands, rivers, creeks, lakes and dams within close proximity of their proposed operations (and stating whether they are fresh or salt water).
The Operator must consider the impact of the level of employee training with particular emphasis on the implementation of the Environmental Investigation and Risk Management Report.
Information on all regional ecosystems mapping is available at: xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/xxxx/xxxxx.xxx The Environmental Investigation and Risk Management Report must include an assessment of the risk associated with wildfires being caused by exhaust/sparks from the Operator’s Rollingstock.
If QR Network does not give such notice, the Environmental Investigation and Risk Management Report shall be included in Part 1 of Schedule 9 and amendments made to the Agreement (including variations to the Base Access Charges) if applicable.
The Parties must undertake all necessary action and make all necessary amendments to the Interface Risk Management Plan, the Environmental Investigation and Risk Management Report and/or the Operator’s Emergency Response Plan in response to the relevant amendments including providing Aurizon Network with a further certificate of compliance where the Operator’s Rollingstock or Rollingstock Configurations require modification as a result of a change to a System Wide Requirement.
If Aurizon Network does not give such notice, the Environmental Investigation and Risk Management Report, subject to Clause 9.1(k), shall be included in Part 1 of Schedule 9 and amendments made to this Agreement [(including variations to the Base Access Charges)] if applicable.
The Parties must undertake all necessary action and make all necessary amendments to the Interface Risk Management Plan, the Environmental Investigation and Risk Management Report and/or the Operator’s Emergency Response Plan in response to the relevant amendments including providing QR Network with a further certificate of compliance where the Operator’s Rollingstock or Rollingstock Configurations require modification as a result of a change to a System Wide Requirement.
If QR does not give such notice, the Environmental Investigation and Risk Management Report shall be included in Part 1 of Schedule 9 and amendments made to the Agreement (including variations to the Base Access Charges) if applicable.
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