Examples of Environmental well in a sentence
This directly and indirectly positively effects the economy of nearby populace.• Environmental well beingSolar power is one of the cleanest renewable energy powers and does not involve any fossil fuel.
Environmental well casings will be kept locked to ensure the security and integrity of the wells.
This directly and indirectly positively effects the economy of nearby populace. Environmental well beingSolar power is one of the cleanest renewable energy powers and does not involve any fossil fuel.
Environmental well being: • There are no emissions from the project activity as it utilizes the available wind potential (a zero emission source) to generate electricity.
Environmental well being: In this project activity, the thermal energy is generated by the biomass based gasification process which replaces carbon emission intensive fossil fuels.
C > Environmental well being - This should include a discussion of impact of the project activity on resource sustainability and resource degradation, if any, due to proposed activity; bio-diversity friendliness; impact on human health; reduction of levels of pollution in general.
Environmental well being:The modern equipments and processes along with pollution controlling measures adopted in this project will make the unit environmental safe.
Environmental well being:• The generation of electricity from wind is one of the cleanest and sustainable ways to generate electricity.
Also as referred to in paragraph 5.9 there is no cash consideration involved for the difference in land area as it is considered that the District will be compensated by an increase in the “Social & Environmental well being”.
Environmental well being • It reduces the environmental load by avoidance of coal/lignite for power generation.• This project activity has resulted in reduction of greenhouse gases emissions (GHGs) into the atmosphere, which would have been generated from coal fired power plant.• This project activity reduces average emission of SOx, NOx, SPM and average solid waste generation.