Examples of Environmentally beneficial in a sentence
Environmentally beneficial projects do not include those that cause or contribute to a violation of a national ambient air quality standard, cause or contribute to a violation of an increment per paragraph (B) of rule 3745-31-11 of the Administrative Code, adversely impact a visibility limitation, or are expressly prohibited under any Ohio environmental protection agency or Clean Air Act permit condition or applicable requirement.
Supplemental Environment Project (SEP) – Environmentally beneficial projects which a defendant/respondent agree to undertake in settlement of an enforcement action, but which the defendant/respondent is not otherwise legally required to perform.CERCLA and the NCP limit Superfund authority to address interior LBP (see Section 1.2) (EPA, 1990b).
Environmentally beneficial ac- tivity means an activity that protects, preserves, or restores the natural re- sources of the coastal zone.
Environmentally beneficial project: CDFW’s SEP will result in less groundwater being pumped for the Hatchery and therefore more groundwater available for other beneficial uses, including drinking water for a disadvantaged community.
Achieving or approaching such conditions has good prospects:• Environmentally beneficial; there is lower energy consumption and less usage of chemical agents and therefore the operation is more environmentally friendly.• Technically sound; sub-critical conditions yield a clean way of operation that can be more easily controlled.