EO Director definition
Examples of EO Director in a sentence
If the proposed adjustment of the complaint is not acceptable to the complainant, or the EO Director deter- mines that such an offer is inappro- priate, the EO Director shall forward the complaint file with a written noti- fication of the findings of facts, and his or her recommendation of the proposed disposition of the complaint to the ap- propriate Director.
Šiuo atžvilgiu naujame migracijos ir prieglobsčio pakte pabrėžiama, kad reikia sutelkti dėmesį į ankstyvą potencialių aukų iš ES nepriklausančių šalių nustatymą.
The investigator shall forward the investigative file to the EO Direc- tor and shall provide the complainant with a copy.(3) The EO Director shall review the complaint file including any additional statements provided by the complain- ant, make findings of fact, and shall offer an adjustment of the complaint if the facts support the complaint.
Complaints should contain all known facts pertaining to the alleged violation, the names of any known witnesses and others with knowledge of the allegations, and an identification of any documents or other evidence.The EO Director or designee will determine if the complaint falls within the jurisdiction of these Procedures.
An appeal may be transmitted electronically to the EO Director or designee.
In accordance with NPR 3713.2, Section 1.5, the EO Director shall be responsible for management and administration of the EO ADR Program including monitoring the process to ensure compliance with established policies, timeframes, and that terms of settlement agreements are implemented in a timely manner.
If the complaint is rejected for failure to meet one or more of the requirements set out in the procedure outlined in §1225.8 or is cancelled, the EO Director shall inform the aggrieved party in writing of this Final Agency Decision; that the Peace Corps or ACTION will take no further action; and of the right, to file a civil action as described in §1225.21 of this part.
The EO Director handles discrimination, discriminatory harassment, and retaliation complaints from and about students, applicants, employees, faculty, staff, and visitors to campus.Director of the Equal Opportunity Office Bridgewater State UniversityBoyden Hall, Room 207 131 Summer StreetBridgewater, MA 02325(508) 531-2744EO@bridgew.edu Information regarding Bridgewater State University reporting options, campus and community support and assistance options and additional BSU resources can be found here.
Either party may appeal the results of an investigation under these Procedures by submitting a written letter of appeal to the EO Director or designee within five (5) business days of the party’s receipt of the Notice of Outcome.
In cases of noncompliance,appropriate action may include but is not limited to:• Providing relief to the beneficiary;• Submitting reports of any internal investigation to our EO Director for review;• Initiating action to terminate,suspend, or refuse to grant federal financial assistance to the discriminatory subgrantee; and• Notifying our EO Director of thesubgrantee’s noncompliant status so our EO Office may take appropriate action, including notifying other federal granting agencies.