Examples of Eradication program in a sentence
EBASE has a strong commitment to organized labor and the collective bargaining process.
Eradicating polio in Nigeria contributes to the Global Polio Eradication program and makes the world a safer place for all children.
A portion of the HIDTA’s discretionary funds under the Domestic Marijuana Eradication program is provided to county agencies having severe marijuana eradication issues.
Also is the Primary Healthcare Scheme (PHCS), the Guinea Worm Eradication program (GWEP) also recorded tremendous success, but the gains of these poverty reduction programmes (NALDA, SGRP, PHCS and GWEP) could not be sustained due to lack of funding, structural deficiencies, bribery and corruption.The various programmes that were introduced over the years could be categorized into two groups: multi - sectoral programmes and sectoral programmes.
One interesting thing to note is that there is that even the Poverty Alleviation and Hunger Eradication program, which is intended to provide credit to extremely poor households at below-market interest rates, has an average loan per household of 1.1 million dong – not much lower than the FAO scheme.
No harvest, including sanitation salvage, exemption harvest, or emergency timber operations, shall occur in the No Harvest Band.
Though, many positions are funded through the Polio Eradication program, staff is sometimes used to support other programs as well.
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is finalizing a Supplement to the Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) for the Cannabis Eradication program in the contiguous United States and Hawaii.
AELGA was also involved in a USAID/Office of ForeignDisaster Assistance (OFDA) led New World Screwworm Eradication program in North Africa.
Not only has the weed control officer to look for this species on the ground but up trees too! Eradication program This commenced in August 2000 with the pulling out of the plants and treatment of the Fort Hill wharf site with a residual herbicide.