Gypsy moth definition
Examples of Gypsy moth in a sentence
Lymantria dispar (European Gypsy moth) European race in all counties except those included in a DATCP quarantine unders.
Structural decline can include defoliation events that do not result in mortality such as in Gypsy moth and spruce budworm infestations which may recover within 1 or 2 years.
Lesley McDonell provided a presentation with an update on the LDD (Gypsy) moth monitoring program and management practices, including a summary of Fall/Winter egg mass survey results and egg mass scraping and burlap banding control methods undertaken.
Forest tent caterpillars, Eastern tent caterpillars, Gypsy moth and Pine sawfly are all prevalent in this area.
Determine the effect of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (BTK) used in Gypsy moth sprayings on various species.Population monitoring: Inventory of species within historical range.Statewide baseline survey: Survey all species to more adequately define the list of species that need to be addressed.
Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) and southern pine beetles (Dendroctonus frontalis) were insects of great concern in past years, but infestations and loss of trees and habitat to these species has subsided.
Gypsy moth from other regions, with or without flying females, is also regarded as a threat to New Zealand.
Gypsy moth has not been detected in Dubois or Sullivan County since surveys began in 1972.
Gypsy moth is a species which defoliates trees in both its native range (Europe and Asia) and where it has been introduced to North America.
However, wood from parts of Wisconsin or Illinois moving into Iowa may need a compliance agreement for Gypsy moth, Sirex wood wasp, or other pests.