Error margin definition

Error margin. (g CO2/km) means the value by which the difference between the average specific emissions of CO2 (column E) and the specific emissions target (column F) has been adjusted when calculating the distance to target (column G), in order to take into account records notified to the Commission by the manufacturer (Table 1) or the pool (Table 2) with the error code B as set out in Article 9(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1014/2010.

Examples of Error margin in a sentence

  • In contributions, the following contributions discuss how uncertainties in specifications can be used as reference for determination of distribution Error margin for TEG [7, 13]Uncertainty specified for TRP location used as the range [17]Applicability of over-bounding Gaussian formula on error sources are discussed in [1, 2, 3 11, 14].

  • Accordingly, a 95% confidence and p=0.5 the sample size would be; Where; n= sample size N= the population size got from the TRA registered facilities e= Error margin allowed in the sampling (Yamane, 1967).

  • To determine sample size Taro Yamane mathematical formula was used as shown below: Where:n = Sample size;N= Total number members in EIC-ES&CCA; e = Error margin, fixed as 7% (0.07);n = 761 / 1 + 761 (0.07)2 = 161Based on the above sample size calculation, 161 sample members were obtained.

  • N (e)2Wheren = Sample sizeN = Populatione = Error margin 5%The population size of 2453 was used in this study.n = 2453 / (1+2453 (0.05)2) and thus, n = 344 (sample size)Thus, 344 questionnaires copies were administered to customers of many banks in south- south, Nigeria.

  • The computation of the revised IP sets energy consumption is as indicated below: Revised Specific Consumption for FY19 Sl.No. Revised Sales to IP sets by adding 10% Error margin Sl No ParticularsAs computed by the CommissionFor FY18For FY19 Details of month-wise consumption considered for computing the Specific Consumption is as follows: TABLE - 4.6Month-wise Consumption in MESCOM Month * By adding a sampling error margin of 10%.

  • Error margin: is the percentage that describes the closeness of the outcome of the sample to the “true value” in the population.

  • Proportional allocation was also computed for each manager and non- manager employees per selected levels.n = N 1+N (e) ^2n= Desired sample size, N = Total number of target employees, e = Error margin The study assumes that the margin of error 5% and confidence level or error free of 95%.

  • The result showed thatN = Total Population, I = Constant, e =Error margin (0.05) The study employed the multi- stage sampling technique.

  • Boundary of functionally acceptable performance Boundary to Economic Failure Error margin Counter gradient from campaigns for ‘safety culture’ Gradient toward Least Effort Experiments to improve performance creates ‘Brownian’ movements Management Pressure toward Efficiency Boundary to Unacceptable Work Load Resulting perceived boundary of acceptable performance Space of Possibilities: Degrees of Freedom to be Resolved According to Subjective Preferences Figure 2.

  • Table 2.2.9 Default inputs for oilseed processing (pressing, for 1 tonne of germ, based on rapeseed) for the production germ expeller.InputValues Unit Best estimateError (g2) Electricity (pressing)2121.3MJ/tonBased on values from Croezen (2005) and Hamelinck (2008), recalculated relative to oil production.* Error margin to be calculated based on pedigree matrix.

Related to Error margin

  • Applicable Margin means:

  • Variation Margin means, in connection with an outstanding futures contract owned or sold by the Corporation, the amount of cash or securities paid to or received from a broker (subsequent to the Initial Margin payment) from time to time as the price of such futures contract fluctuates.