Error ratio definition
Examples of Error ratio in a sentence
CategoryEnglishSpanishTotal words3,1341,075Total errorsError ratio6360.201570.15Distinct errorsPercentage57790.714491.7 Table 1: Error ratio and percentage in English and Spanish corpora of dyslexic errors.
Error ratio is displayed in “Ratio” column.Pause – pause frames total number When the test is finished, one of the following messages will appear on the display: − Test passed – test has passed successfully with no frame loss at this load− Test errors – errors occurred during the test- Loss rate exceeded – test passed, but some frames were lost at this load.
For each version we divided the number of words that contain an error by the total number of words included in the final post- edited version: Error ratio = Words with errors / Total number of words As we can see in Table 4, the percentage of errors is consistent with the global number of errors annotated in each post-edited version.
Intuitively, when we increase the sample size, the measurement result is 0.4 Error ratio, r0.3 0.2 0.1 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1Sample probability, p Figure 3-1.
Reported and Evaluated Electric Energy Savings Error ratio= 0.33 The electricity savings error ratio was calculated to be 0.33.
For this purpose, three criterions, namely Mean Squared Forecast error (MSE), Direction of Change (DoC), and Forecast Error ratio (FE), are employed.The remainder of this paper is organized as follow.
Error ratio of 2T pulse and strip is the difference between 2T pulse amplitude (area B1) and luminance strip (area B2) dof demodulated test signal aI expressed as a percentage of the amplitude of lumineance stripes.
Shares not surrendered shall be marked as canceled on the stock registry of the Company.
Error ratio for shifting and shifted phase in Non- linear shift and Ownershift condition.In order to further explore the difference between Ownershift and Non-linear shift regarding their influence on task performance during the hand shifting process, a pursuit tracking task is divided into two phases, shifting virtual hand and virtual hand shifted phase (shifting and shifted).
Error ratio between the simulation and experi- mental results for the output voltage ripple Fig.