Examples of Estimated tax payable in a sentence
INCOME TAX EXPENSE Estimated tax payable: CurrentUnder provision in prior yearsDeferred tax (Note 26) TotalThere is no income tax expense for the Group and for the Company in 2001 and 2000 as the Group and the Company do not have any taxable income.
Estimated tax payable in Malaysia:2001RM’0002000RM’0002001RM’000 The effective tax rate of the Group in 2001 is lower than the statutory tax rate due mainly to utilisation of reinvestment allowances claimed under Schedule 7A of the Income Tax Act, 1967 by a subsidiary company.
Estimated tax payable: ANNUAL REPORT 2005 75NOTE3 TO THEFINANCIAL 3TATEMENT3 10.
Estimated tax payable: Current year:2015rm'000 2014rm'000 2015rm'000 2014rm'000Malaysian income tax2,833 3,023 128 159Foreign income tax5,577 5,608 - -(Over)/Underprovision in prior years(1,459) 632 (261) - 6,951 9,263 (133) 159Deferred tax (Note 20): Current year(3,132) 920 - -Under/(Over)provision in prior years2,538 (835) - - (594) 85 - - 6,357 9,348 (133) 159 Domestic current income tax is calculated at the Malaysian statutory tax rate of 25% (2014: 25%) of the estimated assessable profit for the year.
Estimated tax payable is VND 149 billion, resulting in estimated net proceeds of VND 781 billion.