Examples of Exchequer Funding in a sentence
Exchequer Funding Sources and Requirements 2017 The Exchequer had cash and other short-term liquid assets of €10.5bn at end-2017 (up from €8.6bn at end-2016).
Exchequer Funding of General Practice 2018-2020 TŚŝƐ ƉĂƉĞƌ ĂŶĂůLJƐĞƐ ƚŚĞ ĚƌŝǀĞƌƐ ďĞŚŝŶĚ ƚŚĞ W area over the 2018-2020 period ʹGP Fees and Allowances.
Exchequer Funding: Limited Exchequer funding is available under special circumstances.
Actions involving the acquisition or disposal of ISIF assets that are subject to Ministerial direction are delegated to management.⚫ Debt contracts are delegated to management – within the parameters of the Annual Exchequer Funding Plan which is a Reserved Matter.⚫ Approval to enter into new Public Private Partnership (PPP) contracts and any new contract to procure as agent for the Minister for Education any public investment project in relation to an educational facility is delegated to management.
However we are currently reviewing this policy, and if situations arise where combined contributions do exceed 50% we are able to gain special dispensation from WAG in order to further the joint interests of the partnership.European Funding, Local Authority Funding, Lottery Funding, Aggregates Levy and Landfill Tax credit funding are not considered Exchequer Funding for the purposes of our match funding calculations.
Exchequer Funding Sources and Requirements 2021The Exchequer had cash balances of €27.5bn at year-end 2021.
Residential Institutions Redress Board (RIRB)We know that 16,650 people accessed financial compensation through the Residential Institutions Redress Board (2016).2 Ireland and Great Britain accounted for more than 93% of the applications made with Australia and the US accounting for a further 4% Exchequer Funding (Government) of Survivor GroupsThe Exchequer funded a variety of survivor groups in Ireland and the United Kingdom to meet the social and welfare needs of survivors.
Table 6.1 - Exchequer Funding to Regional Airport Programme 2000 – 2009 (€m) 2009200820072006200520042003200220012000TotalPSO14.715.315.515.518.221.319.918.516.24.2159.3OPEX3. Department of Transport In total, the Exchequer has given in excess of €200m in funding to the regional airports and to supporting the PSO routes over the last decade.
This initiative is further complemented by € 140 million of Exchequer Funding to be invested until 2007 to provide open access broadband infrastructure in all cities and towns with a population greater than 1,500 inhabitants, with a Group Broadband Scheme to facilitate smaller communities to pool their broadband demands and ensure connectivity from a range of providers.
Exchequer Funding of General Practice 2018-2020 This paper analyses the drivers behind the Primary Care Reimbursement Service’s (PCRS) largest growth area over the 2018-2020 period – GP Fees and Allowances.