Examples of Existing Chainage in a sentence
Existing Chainage from Km 22+680 to Km 23+800 of NH-37 (Old NH-53) is the xxxxxxxxxx section for the alignment of ramp for traffic interchange between NH-37 (Old NH-53) and approach of under construction ROB for NH-154 (Hailakandi Road).
Sr. No. Existing Chainage Design Chainage Type of CulvertSpan / openingExisting Width Remark(No. x Dia.
Now that the LDSS and plans are no longer doing the core CHA assessment used to develop the plan of care, specific guidance is needed requiring these entities to specifically assess both the availability of informal caregivers and extent of night-time needs, document the findings, transmit such findings with any referral for IFR, and incorporate the findings in any notices.
No. Existing Chainage of NH-37 (Km) Carriageway Width (m) Type of Pavement Remarks 4.
Sl. No.Location of Slip Roads (Existing Chainage in Km)Location of Slip Roads (Design Chainage in Km)Note : Width of slip road shall be 7.5 m.
Sr. No Existing Chainage Proposed ChainageNote: - It is clarified that as per site requirement if required for drainage arrangement new HP culverts for drainage arrangement shall be identified , if any , during development shall be constructed as per standard set forth in Schedule ‘D’& as per instruction of Authority Engineer.
Table 5.12: Summary of details of Re-alignment S.No. Name of Re-alignment Existing Chainage (Km.) Proposed Chainage (Km.)Geometric Improvement Design As per IRCl73-2007, the project highway should be designed with 100 kmpH ruling speed and 80 KMPH minimum speed for plain terrain and 80 KMPH/65 KMPH for rolling terrain.
Annex - II(Schedule-A) Dates for providing Right of Way The dates on which the Authority shall provide Right of Way to the Contractor on different stretches of the Site are stated below: Sr.No. Existing Chainage Length (Km)Annex - III (Schedule-A) Alignment PlansAnnex - IV (Schedule-A) Environment Clearances Environmental Clearance is not required as per new Notification of MoEF dated 13th Dec 2000.
No. (Existing Chainage Km.)Proposed Chainage (km) The above locations are, however, tentative and can be adjusted during construction in consultation with IE/AE.
No. Existing Chainage Design ChainageType of Junction Remarks Note: All major intersection should be designed based on RDM Part I and as per Standard Drawings recommended by the Contracting Authority.