Examples of Accessory building or structure in a sentence
Accessory Building and Structure Standards(Definitions are from Title 25, California Code of Regulations, Division 1, chapter 2) Accessory building or structure.
While not as extreme, primary data confirmed this perception among NGOs regarding the RBA.
Hooper Property owner was first notified of the violation on March 29, 2018CEB2017383-LAMB JAMES E PostedComplaint No. 20171012008Violation of CODE OF ORDINANCES, COUNTY OF VOLUSIA, CHAPTER 72 ARTICLE IIDIVISION 8 SECTION 72-277(C) Accessory building or structure on lot that does not have a completed principal structure.
CEB2017352 - CRABTREE RANDY HOWARD ServedComplaint No. 20171016008Violation of CODE OF ORDINANCES, COUNTY OF VOLUSIA, CHAPTER 72 ARTICLEII DIVISION 8 SECTION 72-277(1)(C) Accessory building or structure on lot that does not have a completed principal structure.
Accessory building or structure setbacks must be observed and may not include electrical or plumbing.