Existing Preference Shares definition

Existing Preference Shares means the Existing Dollar Preference Shares and the Existing Sterling Preference Shares;
Existing Preference Shares means the 9.25% preference shares (ISIN GB00B3KS9W93), the 6.413% preference shares (ISIN USG5533WAA56/ US539439AC38), the 6.475% preference shares (ISIN GB00B3KSB568), the 6.657% preference shares (ISIN US539439AE93 /US539439AF68) and the 9.75% preference shares (ISIN GB00B3KSB238), each issued by the Company.
Existing Preference Shares means the 23,904,060 7.15 per cent. preference shares of the Issuer issued on 11 March 2004;

Examples of Existing Preference Shares in a sentence

  • On their issue the Further Preference Shares shall be consolidated with and form a single Class with the Existing Preference Shares of that Class.

  • The Issuer may, at any time and from time to time prior to the applicable Redemption Date, without the consent of holders of the Preference Shares, create, allot and issue further Preference Shares (the "Further Preference Shares") having the same terms and conditions as the Preference Shares (the "Existing Preference Shares").

  • Any Further Preference Shares shall have an issue price equal to the Net Asset Value per Share of the Existing Preference Shares as of the day falling two Currency Business Days prior to the date of issue of the relevant Further Preference Shares plus, if specified by the Directors to be payable, the applicable Further Issue Charge.

  • AIDEA's purpose is to promote, develop, and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of Alaska.

  • Motion: (Mr. Taylor / Ms. Douglas) DW Emergency Management, line item 510, Supplies.

More Definitions of Existing Preference Shares

Existing Preference Shares. ’ means the 300,000,000 91/4 per cent. and 100,000,000 93/4 per cent. Non-cumulative Irredeemable Preference Shares of £1 each in the capital of HBOS in issue at the date
Existing Preference Shares means the 300,000,000 9¼% and 100,000,000 9¾% Non- cumulative Irredeemable Preference Shares of £1 each in the capital of HBOS in issue at the date hereof and in each case any further preference shares required to be issued pursuant to the terms of such aforementioned preference shares;
Existing Preference Shares means the 100,000,000 8.375 per cent. cumulative irredeemable preference shares of £1 each and 100,000,000 8.75 per cent. cumulative irredeemable preference shares of £1 each issued by the Issuer;
Existing Preference Shares means the Existing Dollar Preference Shares and the Existing Sterling Preference Shares. “Existing Sterling Preference Shares” means the Company’s outstanding series of 8¼% non-cumulative irredeemable preference shares of £1 each (aggregate paid up amount of £99,250,000) and 7⅜% non-cumulative irredeemable preference shares of £1 each (aggregate paid up amount of £96,035,000).
Existing Preference Shares means those of the 5.50 per cent. Cumulative Preference Shares (ISIN GB0007548026) and the 11.00 per cent. Cumulative Preference Shares (ISIN GB0007548133) held or to be held by Law Debenture as trustee on behalf of the Holder pursuant to the terms of the Tender Offers from time to time;
Existing Preference Shares means the 100,000,000 83⁄8% cumulative irredeemable preference shares of £1 each, the 100,000,000 83⁄4% cumulative irredeemable preference shares of £1 each, the Sterling New Preference Shares and the Euro New Preference Shares of the Company. 5. ALLOTMENT AND PRE EMPTION 5.1 Subject to the Act and relevant authority given by the Company in general meeting, the Board has general and unconditional authority to allot, grant options over, or otherwise dispose of, unissued shares of the Company or rights to subscribe for or convert any security into shares, to such persons, at such times and on such terms as the Board may decide, except that no share may be issued at a discount. 5.2 The Board may at any time after the allotment of a share, but before a person has been entered in the register as the holder of the share, recognise a renunciation of the share by the allottee in favour of another person and may grant to an allottee a right to effect a renunciation on such terms and conditions as the Board thinks fit. 6. POWER TO ISSUE DIFFERENT CLASSES OF SHARES 6.1 Subject to the Act and to the rights attached to existing shares, new shares may be issued with, or have attached to them, such rights or restrictions as either the Company may by ordinary resolution decide, or, if no such resolution is passed or so far as any pertinent resolution does not make specific provision, as the Board may decide. 6.2 Subject to the Act and to the rights attached to existing shares, shares may be issued on terms that they are to be redeemed or, at the option of the Company or the holder, are liable to be redeemed, and the directors may determine the terms, conditions and manner of redemption of any such shares. 7. RIGHTS AND RESTRICTIONS ATTACHING TO SHARES If rights and restrictions attaching to shares are determined by ordinary resolution or by the directors pursuant to article 6, those rights and restrictions shall apply in place of any rights or restrictions that would otherwise apply by virtue of the Act in the absence of any provisions in the articles, as if those rights and restrictions were set out in the articles.8. COMMISSION The Company may exercise all the powers conferred or permitted by the Act of paying commission or brokerage. Subject to the Act, any such commission or brokerage may be satisfied by the payment of cash or by the allotment of fully or partly paid shares or partly in one way and partly in the other.9. TRUSTS NOT RECOGNISED
Existing Preference Shares. ’ means the E450,000,000 Non-cumulative Guaranteed Step-Up Preference Shares Series A issued by the Company on 2nd July, 2003;