Examples of Existing Preference Shares in a sentence
On their issue the Further Preference Shares shall be consolidated with and form a single Class with the Existing Preference Shares of that Class.
The Issuer may, at any time and from time to time prior to the applicable Redemption Date, without the consent of holders of the Preference Shares, create, allot and issue further Preference Shares (the "Further Preference Shares") having the same terms and conditions as the Preference Shares (the "Existing Preference Shares").
Any Further Preference Shares shall have an issue price equal to the Net Asset Value per Share of the Existing Preference Shares as of the day falling two Currency Business Days prior to the date of issue of the relevant Further Preference Shares plus, if specified by the Directors to be payable, the applicable Further Issue Charge.
AIDEA's purpose is to promote, develop, and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of Alaska.
Motion: (Mr. Taylor / Ms. Douglas) DW Emergency Management, line item 510, Supplies.