Export Agreement definition
Examples of Export Agreement in a sentence
If the market participant takes system access service under Rate XOS or Rate XOM, as applicable, the market participant must take such system access service at the Point of Interconnection pursuant to Section 2 of this Export Agreement.
Subject to Section 5 and 6 of this Export Agreement, the ISO must provide system access service under Rate XOS or Rate XOM, as applicable, to the market participant at the Point of Interconnection pursuant to Section 2 of this Export Agreement.
The market participant must pay to the ISO for system access service under Rate XOS or Rate XOM, as applicable, during the term of this Export Agreement the amount required pursuant to Rate XOS or Rate XOM, as applicable.
This Export Agreement supersedes and replaces, as of the Effective Date, any other agreement for system access service under Rate XOS or Rate XOM, as applicable, between the parties at the Point of Interconnection pursuant to Section 2 of this Export Agreement.
This Export Agreement sets out the particular details of the system access service that the ISO will provide to the market participant under: ⚫ Rate XOS of the ISO tariff, Export Opportunity Service; ⚫ Rate XOM of the ISO tariff, Export Opportunity Merchant Service; or ⚫ both.
This Export Agreement commences on the Effective Date and continues for a term of one (1) year, expiring on , 202 .
Per: Name: Title: Date: Per: Name: Title: Date: Effective: 2025-02-01 STS Proforma Public Page 7 of 7 ISO Tariff – Appendix A System Access Service Agreement Proforma for Rate XOS and Rate XOM, Export Service This Export Agreement effective the 1st day of , 202 (the “Effective Date”).