External Borrowings definition
Examples of External Borrowings in a sentence
If there are no External Borrowings outstanding on that date, then the rate will be the certificate of deposit yield equivalent of the 30-day Federal Reserve "AA" Non-Financial Commercial Paper Composite Rate (the "Composite"), or if no Composite is established for that day, then the applicable rate will be the Composite for the next preceding day for which a composite is established.
If the Composite shall cease to exist, then the rate will be the composite which then most closely resembles the Composite and/or most closely mirrors the pricing CenterPoint would expect if it had External Borrowings.
The Principal Amount Outstanding shall bear interest, calculated daily, at a rate equal to CenterPoint Energy, Inc.'s weighted average daily effective cost for all External Borrowings outstanding on that date.
If there are no External Borrowings outstanding on that date, then the rate would be the certificate of deposit yield equivalent of the 30-day Federal Reserve "AA" Non-Financial Commercial Paper Composite Rate (the "Composite"), or if no Composite is established for the day, then the applicable rate will be the Composite for the next preceding day for which a Composite is established.
Interest External Borrowings The above refers to interest and redemption that has to be repaid on an external loan taken up by Council.
The interest rate applicable on any day to then outstanding loans through the Money Pool, whether or not evidenced by a promissory demand note, will be the composite weighted average daily effective cost incurred by CenterPoint for External Borrowings outstanding on that date.
The Company shall be managed with a view toward maintenance by it of a Debt/Equity Ratio of no greater than 1.5 to 1, that is, for every S$1 of Total Shareholder Funds, there shall not be more than S$1.50 of External Borrowings.
Table 4.6: External Borrowings during FY 2013-14 Nu. in millionsSl.No.
The sources of loan disbursement are as shown in the Table 4.5 below: Table 4.5: External Borrowings Nu. in millionsSl. No. At the end of the FY, the external debt outstanding is estimated to be Nu. 33,254 million or58.52 % of estimated GDP.
Reconciliations of External Borrowings and Temporary Investments to Total were up to date but these have not been counter signed as having been independently checked.