External Structure definition

External Structure means a small garden shed or greenhouse erected at a Community Garden in accordance with this Administrative Order;
External Structure means the whole and every part of the structure (generally called the facade) comprising the exterior walls of the fixed improvements (as defined in the Special Lease):

Examples of External Structure in a sentence

  • External Structure Ponding Water into Smooth-bore Slipline to provide adequate depth and low water velocities.

  • Category of Internal Structure consists of 9 items disclosure, External Structure category consists of 10 items of disclosure, and Employees Competence category consists of 6 items disclosure.

  • Representatives from the above NSF offices comprise the DKIST integrated project team (IPT), which meets on a quarterly basis to discuss outstanding project issues.• External Structure: The construction project is conducted by NSO.

  • BoardSIEF FinancialGeneral ManagerSIEF Investment3.1 External Structure 3.2 Internal Structure Section 4.0 SIEF Inc.

  • The AST and AGS program officers conduct periodic site visits and frequent,FY 2018 NSF Budget Request to Congress regular, teleconferences.• External Structure: Management is via a cooperative agreement with SRI and its sub-awardees, USRA and UMET.

  • The results from these analyses combined with professional judgment guided decisions about which items were retained and/or eliminated from the final version of the SMSCT.5. Procedures for Obtaining External Structure EvidenceIndependent samples t-tests were used to determine if the SMSCT subscores could differentiate between SM experts (n=15) and Ortho experts (n=10).

  • BoardSIEF FinancialGeneralManagerSIEF Investment3.1 External Structure 3.2 Internal Structure Section 4.0 SIEF Inc.

  • The External Structure of the HM Discourse When it comes to the question of addressing any given set of challenges to the enterprise of trade liberalisation, the contemporary ITL doctrine recognises three main possibilities.

  • The Y distance to Wind Load on External Structure parameter on the LRT command has been revised so the program upper limit now matches the value documented in the User’s Manual.

  • The most common approach gives the state insurance department considerable freedom to collect fees for service, allowing for a degree of independence and self-funding.Conclusions About the External Structure of a Federal Insurance Regulator Some characteristics of state regulation are so prevalent that they may seem to be presumptively worthy of replication at the federal level.

Related to External Structure

  • Water control structure means a structure within, or adjacent to, a water, which intentionally or coincidentally alters the hydraulic capacity, the flood elevation resulting from the two-, 10-, or 100-year storm, flood hazard area limit, and/or floodway limit of the water. Examples of a water control structure may include a bridge, culvert, dam, embankment, ford (if above grade), retaining wall, and weir.

  • Historic Structure means any structure that is:

  • external borders means external borders as defined in Article 2(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/399;

  • Existing structure means any structure that is installed or approved for installation at the time a wireless services provider or wireless infrastructure provider provides notice to a locality or the Department of an agreement with the owner of the structure to co-locate equipment on that structure. "Existing structure" includes any structure that is currently supporting, designed to support, or capable of supporting the attachment of wireless facilities, including towers, buildings, utility poles, light poles, flag poles, signs, and water towers.

  • utility structure means transmission and distribution lines

  • Support Structure means an existing or new structure that supports or can support a mobile service facility, including a mobile service support structure, utility pole, water tower, building, or other structure.

  • Municipal Structures Act means the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act No. 117 of 1998);

  • External floating roof means a storage vessel cover in an open tank top consisting of a double deck or pontoon single deck which rests upon and is supported by the petroleum liquid being contained and is equipped with a closure seal or seals to close the space between the roof edge and tank shell.

  • external company means a foreign company that is carrying on business, or non-profit activities, as the case may be, within the Republic, subject to section 23(2);

  • Residential structure means an individual residential condominium unit or a residential building containing not more than 2 residential units, the land on which it is or will be located, and all appurtenances, in which the owner or lessee contracting for the improvement is residing or will reside upon completion of the improvement.

  • External User means a user of an Online Service that is not an employee, onsite contractor, or onsite agent of Customer or its Affiliates.

  • Certified historic structure means a property listed individually on the Virginia Landmarks Register,

  • advertising structure means any screen, fence, wall or other physical structure or object erected to display an advertisement or which is in itself an advertisement or used to display an advertisement.

  • Occupied structure means any building, vehicle, or other place suitable for human occupancy or

  • Structure means a walled and roofed building, a manufactured home, or a gas, liquid, or liquefied gas storage tank that is principally above ground.

  • Internal Use means use of the Sprinklr Services for Customer’s and/or Customer Affiliates’ general business use, solely for the benefit of Customer and/or Customer Affiliates, but does not include use of the Sprinklr Services to provide any services for the benefit of third parties.

  • External Market Buyer means a Market Buyer making purchases of energy from the PJM Interchange Energy Market for consumption by end-users outside the PJM Region, or for load in the PJM Region that is not served by Network Transmission Service.

  • Capitalization fairly present the information set forth therein on a basis consistent with that of the audited financial statements contained in the Registration Statement.

  • Accessory structure means a structure that is accessory and incidental to a dwelling located on the same lot.

  • External Debt means obligations (other than the Notes) of, or guaranteed by, the Republic for borrowed money or evidenced by bonds, notes or other similar instruments denominated or payable, or those which at the option of the holder thereof are so denominated or payable, in a currency other than the local currency of the Republic.

  • External inspection means an inspection made when a boiler is in operation.

  • external wall means an outer wall of a building even though adjoining to a wall of another building and also means a wall abutting on an interior open space of a building;

  • External Verifier means PricewaterhouseCoopers SpA or any such other qualified provider of third party assurance or attestation services or other independent expert of internationally recognised standing appointed by the Issuer, in each case with the expertise necessary to perform the functions required to be performed by the External Verifier under these Conditions, as determined in good faith by the Issuer.

  • building or structure means a permanent enclosed structure occupying an area greater than 10 square metres, consisting of a wall, roof, and/or floor, or any of them, or a structural system serving the function thereof, which includes, but is not limited to, air-supported structures or industrial tents; a canopy however shall not be considered a building or structure for the purpose of this By-law and shall not attract development charges;