Department of Energy. Due to the application of paragraph 1 of Article III, this Agreement does not cover procurement of:
a. Any good or service that supports the safeguarding of nuclear materials or technology, where the Department of Energy conducts the procurement under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act; or
b. Any oil purchase related to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Department of Energy. Revised DOE Standard 1196-2011, including an update of the age-specific internal dose coefficients and replacement of external dose coefficients based on a reference adult with age-specific values. Updated Derived Concentration Standards (DCS values) were also derived and tabulated. The DCS values are guidelines for radionuclide concentrations in environmental media based on current radiation protection practices for controlling exposure to members of the public. The DCS values reflect the age- and sex-specific composition of the population, usage of environmental media, and radiation dosimetry. Age-specific biokinetic models were applied. • Issued final version of Federal Guidance Report 15 External Exposure to Radionuclides in Soil, Air, and Water: External Dose Coefficients for General Application. • Issued Federal Guidance Report No. 16 Preliminary Version: Cancer Risk Coefficients for Environmental Exposure to Radionuclides -- Radionuclide-Specific Lifetime Radiogenic Cancer Risk Coefficients for the U.S. Population, Based on Age and Gender Specific Intake Rates, Dosimetry, and Risk Model
Department of Energy. The contractor hereby confirms that under the provisions of the above-numbered contract governing patent rights, it has granted to the Government a nonexclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable, paid-up license to practice or have practiced for or on behalf of the United States the Subject Invention throughout the world. This license applies to the invention in the above-identified patent application and any and all divisions or continuations thereof and any resulting patent or reissue patent which may be granted thereon. It is understood and agreed that this document does not preclude the Government from asserting rights under the provisions of said contract or any other agreement between the Government and the Contractor, or any other rights of the Government with respect to the above-identified invention. The Contract hereby grants the Government an irrevocable power to inspect and make copies of the above-identified application. Signed this 4th day of April, 1996, THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx Senior Counsel for Business and Patent Law If the invention was made under a subcontract, please identify the Prime Contractor: Prime Contract No. APPENDIX C FEES AND ROYALTIES
Department of Energy. Section 9 of the 1987 Supplementary Power Contract is hereby deleted.
Department of Energy. A t t h e t i m e an i n ve n t io n is disclosed i n a cco r d an ce wi t h ( c)(1)(A) a xxxx, o r wi t h i n 90 d ay s t h e r e af t e r , t h e co n t ra c t o r will s u b m i t a w r i tt e n s t a t e m e n t a s t o w h e t h e r o r n o t t h e i n ve n t io n occ urr ed un de r a na v a l nu cle ar
Department of Energy. If t h is s t a t e m e n t is n o t filed wi t h i n t h is t i m e, s u bp ara g ra p h ( c)(1)(B) will a ppl y i n lie u of p ara g ra p h s ( c)(2) an d (3). Th e co n t ra c t o r s t a t e m e n t will be dee m ed co n cl u sive un less, wi t h i n 60 d ay s t h e r e af t e r , t h e Co n t ra c t i n g Office r dis a g r ees i n w r i t i n g, i n w h ic h c a se t h e de t e r m i na t io n of t h e Co n t ra c t i n g Office r will be dee m ed co n cl u sive un less t h e co n t ra c t o r files a cl a i m un de r t h e Co n t ra c t Disp u t es Ac t wi t h- i n 60 d ay s af t e r t h e Co n t ra c t i n g Office r’s de- t e r m i na t io n . P e n di n g r esol u t io n of t h e m a t - t e r , t h e i n ve n t io n will be s u bjec t t o s u bp ara- g ra p h ( c)(1)(B).
Department of Energy. To promote timely and effective contract administration, correspondence delivered to the Government under this contract shall reference the contract number, order number, title, and subject matter, and shall be subject to the following procedures:
Department of Energy. This Chapter does not cover national security procurements made in support of safeguarding nuclear materials or technology and entered into under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, or oil purchases related to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Department of Energy. Whereas DOE supports research and development to reduce the cost of wind energy and overcome challenges to its adoption nationwide, including, but not limited to, wind turbine radar interference, DOE will:
a. Commit senior departmental oversight and leadership.
b. Participate in the budget process by helping identify required studies, field tests, or other agreed-to expenditures.
Department of Energy. The City of Corpus Christi, which operates a consumers’ natural gas distribution system, has committed to implement the following measures to promote the use of compressed natural gas as an alternative fuel for vehicles: • The first public fueling station for compressed natural gas located at 0000 Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx was constructed and placed into operation in 2001. • A compressed natural gas fueling station is being installed at the Corpus Christi International Airport as part of a five-year plan to convert airport service vehicles to use alternative fuels. • A third compressed natural gas fueling facility is planned at the City’s Maintenance Service Center located at the intersection of Xxxxx and Civitan Streets. Local propane dealers and one local Ford Dealership have actively promoted retail sale and use of propane for vehicle fuel. One of the propane dealers has installed a consumer accessible fueling station with 24-hour, card reader availability. The Ford Dealership utilizes a pick-up truck with dual fuel capability to market the concept at various agricultural shows and exhibits. The Corpus Christi Regional Transit Authority has aggressively pursued strategies to utilize clean fuels, and currently has 64 vehicles operating on liquified petroleum gas or low sulfur diesel, certified as low emissions vehicles or ultra-low emissions vehicles by EPA. Four buses are being built with catalytic after-treatment to be fueled on low sulfur diesel, and will be certified as low emissions vehicles. Over the next four years, 47 vehicles will be replaced with vehicles certified as low emissions vehicles. The Corpus Christi Independent School District is utilizing low sulfur diesel for fleet operations. The Corpus Christi Air Quality Committee will promote the use of alternative fuels by operators of dual fuel vehicles to the maximum extent practicable. Senate Xxxx 7 adopted in 1999 requires grandfathered electric utility generating units to obtain a permit to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides and, for coal fired units sulfur dioxide. Senate Xxxx 766 adopted in 1999 created the Voluntary Emissions Reduction Permit program for grandfathered sources of air emissions in Texas. This is a voluntary program intended to encourage grandfathered sources to obtain a permit and reduce air emissions. House Xxxx 2912 adopted in 2001 phases out the grandfathered privileges of older industrial point sources, requiring all grandfathered facilities in the Corpus Xxxxxxx xxxxx airs...