Examples of Federal law enforcement agency in a sentence
In addition, the Federal Communications Commission may, upon the re- quest of an appropriate Federal law enforcement agency, assist in the enforcement of Federal law prohibiting the use or distribution of any con- trolled substance where communications equip- ment within the jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission under the Commu- nications Act of 1934 is willfully being used for purposes of distributing, or assisting in the dis- tribution of, any such substance.(Pub.
The Board of Education will cooperate with any properly executed request from any local, State, or Federal law enforcement agency or civil court.
Under circumstances involving the im- minent flight of any individual from Fed- eral prosecution, the Secretary may dis- close return information to the extent nec- essary to apprise appropriate officers or employees of any Federal law enforcement agency of such circumstances.
When submitting such a request to FinCEN, the Federal law enforcement agency shall provide FinCEN with a written certification, in such form and manner as FinCEN may prescribe.
A request meets the requirements of this clause if—(I) the request is made by the head of any Federal law enforcement agency (or his delegate) involved in the response to or investigation of any terrorist inci- dent, threat, or activity, and(II) the request sets forth the specific reason or reasons why such disclosure may be relevant to a terrorist incident, threat, or activity.
Except as provided in paragraph (6), upon receipt by the Secretary of a written re- quest which meets the requirements of clause (iii), the Secretary may disclose re- turn information (other than taxpayer re- turn information) to officers and employ- ees of any Federal law enforcement agency who are personally and directly engaged in the response to or investigation of any ter- rorist incident, threat, or activity.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as a requirement for prior written notice of inspection in the event inspection is executed by any Federal law enforcement agency in the investigation of suspected fraud, false claims, violations of the Internal Revenue Code, or any criminal activity.
We will direct any questions we have about the request to the requesting Federal law enforcement agency as designated in the 314(a) request.
The agency that issues a detainer, indictment, warrant or criminal complaint includes a District Attorney’s Office, Federal law enforcement agency (e.g. FBI, U.S. Marshals, ICE, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms), U.S. or State Attorney General’s Office, police departments, probation/parole officers and sheriff’s departments.
A financial institution may contact the Federal law enforcement agency named in the information request provided to the institution by FinCEN with any questions relating to the scope or terms of the request.