Examples of Gender in a sentence
Adolescent Self-Esteem: Differences by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Age.
The University, in coordination with the Committee on Diversity, Race and Gender and the SERC, shall facilitate a national conference, hosted jointly by the AAUP- $)7 DQG WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RQ ³0HHWLQJ WKH & (GXFDWLRQ ´ 7KH FRQIHUHQF-2H02 3ZacLadOemOic yEeaHr. TKheHOG GXU costs of the conference shall be borne by the University.
Zoning Board, MCAD Case No. 17WPR01243 (“MCAD Charge”) alleging the Board in issuing the Counseling Use Decision and Congregate Living Decision discriminated against her on the basis of Gender Identity (LGBTQ) and Disability (Recovering from Substance Abuse) in violation of M.G.L. c.
The University, in coordination with the Committee on Diversity, Race and Gender and the SERC, shall facilitate a national conference, hosted jointly by the AAUP- $)7 DQG WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RQ ³0HHWLQJ WKH & (GXFDWLRQ ´ 7KH FRQIHUHQF-2H02 4ZacLadOemOic yEeaHr. TKheHOG GXU costs of the conference shall be borne by the University.
The intervention was based on Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1994), the Theory of Gender and Power (Xxxxxxx & XxXxxxxxxx, 2000; Wingood & XxXxxxxxxx, 2002), and previously published interventions for adolescent females seeking clinical services (XxXxxxxxxx et al., 2004; XxXxxxxxxx et al., 2009).