Field storage definition
Examples of Field storage in a sentence
Field storage must be adequate to maintain viability of the material until use.
Field storage of bisosolids includes the control of stormwater run-off and leachate from the storage piles thorough the use of berms.
As a result, other materials will be utilized to create in-field berms (e.g. large square straw bales) to manage water run-off and leachate and contain the biosolids (refer to City of Winnipeg Biosolids Land Application Field Storage Assessment Summary Report, December 2017).→ Field storage sites should be established at field entrances and equipment should travel along field edges in order to minimize soil compaction.
Field storage may be used during winter conditions when there is limited or no nutrient uptake, or land application operations could physically alter the site surface or otherwise increase surface runoff of particulates.
Field storage" means the storage of biosolids in a field at a beneficial use site for no more than ninety days.
Field Storage Field storage <is/is not> authorized by the Department at this time.
Field storage is primarily intended for situations that require limited amounts of ammunition and explosives munitions to be stored away from the standard storage environment to support specific training or for small units operating in austere environments during combat missions.
Additionally, the NOP was distributed to over 700 individuals, including property owners within 300 feet of the Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Field (storage field), Southern California Edison (SCE) subtransmission lines, and SCE substations.
As Respondent’s witnesses testified, even if Peoples Gas did not offer hub services, no additional amount of Manlove Field storage would have been used to store gas for end users and no additional volume of gas would have been in its inventory to provide for end users during the 2000-2001 heating season.58 58 Resp.
When Peoples Gas plans its use of Manlove Field, there were sound operational reasons for targeting 25.5 Bcf of winter supply to come from Manlove Field.52 Planning to inject and use more than 25.5 Bcf is entirely a product of impermissible hindsight review.Knowing the prices, weather and requirements that actually were experienced in the 2000-2001 winter allows retrospective reconstruction of how much and when to use Manlove Field storage to reduce total gas costs.