Field storage definition

Field storage means the storage of biosolids in a field at a beneficial use site for no more than ninety days.
Field storage means the storage of biosolids in a field storage area.
Field storage means an area of land on an authorized site where biosolids are either transferred to an application vehicle for application to the authorized site or stored for a time period not to exceed ninety days for future application to the authorized site.

Examples of Field storage in a sentence

  • Field storage must be adequate to maintain viability of the material until use.

  • Field storage of bisosolids includes the control of stormwater run-off and leachate from the storage piles thorough the use of berms.

  • As a result, other materials will be utilized to create in-field berms (e.g. large square straw bales) to manage water run-off and leachate and contain the biosolids (refer to City of Winnipeg Biosolids Land Application Field Storage Assessment Summary Report, December 2017).→ Field storage sites should be established at field entrances and equipment should travel along field edges in order to minimize soil compaction.

  • Field storage may be used during winter conditions when there is limited or no nutrient uptake, or land application operations could physically alter the site surface or otherwise increase surface runoff of particulates.

  • Field storage" means the storage of biosolids in a field at a beneficial use site for no more than ninety days.

  • Field Storage Field storage <is/is not> authorized by the Department at this time.

  • Field storage is primarily intended for situations that require limited amounts of ammunition and explosives munitions to be stored away from the standard storage environment to support specific training or for small units operating in austere environments during combat missions.

  • Additionally, the NOP was distributed to over 700 individuals, including property owners within 300 feet of the Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Field (storage field), Southern California Edison (SCE) subtransmission lines, and SCE substations.

  • As Respondent’s witnesses testified, even if Peoples Gas did not offer hub services, no additional amount of Manlove Field storage would have been used to store gas for end users and no additional volume of gas would have been in its inventory to provide for end users during the 2000-2001 heating season.58 58 Resp.

  • When Peoples Gas plans its use of Manlove Field, there were sound operational reasons for targeting 25.5 Bcf of winter supply to come from Manlove Field.52 Planning to inject and use more than 25.5 Bcf is entirely a product of impermissible hindsight review.Knowing the prices, weather and requirements that actually were experienced in the 2000-2001 winter allows retrospective reconstruction of how much and when to use Manlove Field storage to reduce total gas costs.

Related to Field storage

  • Brownfield site means an abandoned, idled, or underutilized industrial or commercial facility where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. A brownfield site includes property contiguous with the property on which the individual or commercial facility is located. A brownfield site shall not include property which has been placed, or is proposed for placement, on the national priorities list established pursuant to the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.

  • Pipeline means any pipe, pipes, or pipelines used for the intrastate transportation or transmission of any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance, except water.

  • Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.

  • energy storage means, in the electricity system, deferring the final use of electricity to a moment later than when it was generated, or the conversion of electrical energy into a form of energy which can be stored, the storing of such energy, and the subsequent reconversion of such energy into electrical energy or use as another energy carrier;

  • Underground storage means storage of gas in a subsurface stratum or formation of the earth.

  • Transportation project or "project" means any or the

  • Chemical Storage Facility means a building, portion of a building, or exterior area adjacent to a building used for the storage of any chemical or chemically reactive products.

  • Retail marijuana store means an entity licensed to purchase marijuana from marijuana cultivation facilities and marijuana and marijuana products from marijuana product manufacturing facilities and to sell marijuana and marijuana products to consumers.

  • Refinery means a facility for the manufacture or reprocessing of finished or unfinished petroleum

  • Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.

  • Production company means a person or entity engaged in the business of making motion picture, television, or radio images for theatrical, commercial, advertising, or education purposes; Reserved

  • Marijuana products means concentrated marijuana products and marijuana products that are comprised of marijuana and other ingredients and are intended for use or consumption, such as, but not limited to, edible products, ointments, and tinctures.

  • Nitrogen oxides means nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, expressed as nitrogen dioxide (NO2);

  • Refining means removing or separating a desirable product from raw or contaminated materials by distillation or physical, mechanical, or chemical processes.

  • Marijuana producer means a person who produces marijuana in this state.

  • Retail food store means that term as defined in 7 USC 2012.

  • Brewery means a commercial enterprise at a single location producing more than fifty thousand (50,000) barrels per year of malt beverage;

  • cogeneration means the simultaneous generation in one process of thermal energy and electrical or mechanical energy;

  • Fossil fuel-fired means the combustion of fossil fuel or any derivative of fossil fuel, alone or in combination with any other fuel, independent of the percentage of fossil fuel consumed in any calendar year (expressed in mmBtu).

  • biofuels means liquid or gaseous fuel for transport produced from biomass;

  • Pipelines has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Fossil fuel means natural gas, petroleum, coal, or any form of solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel derived from such material.

  • Asphalt means a dark brown to black cement-like material (solid, semisolid, or liquid in consistency) in which the predominating constituents are bitumens which occur in nature as such or which are obtained as residue in refining petroleum.

  • Aboveground storage tank shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 6901 et seq., as amended, of RCRA, or any applicable state or local statute, law, ordinance, code, rule, regulation, order ruling, or decree governing aboveground storage tanks.

  • Drug store means a place whose principal business is, the

  • Fertilizer means any substance or mixture of substances that contains one or more recognized plant nutrients and promotes plant growth, or controls soil acidity or alkalinity, or provides other soil enrichment, or provides other corrective measures to the soil.