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Figure 15 definition

Figure 15. The impact of the n z on the projected II angular power spectrum. The IA is generated assuming the same setup as 2.3, while the n z are respectively: the fiducial Gaussian n z adopted in the rest of the paper (solid orange lines), broader Gaussian distributions (dashed green lines) and borader Gaussians with the superpositions of ‘catastrophic outliers’ and peaks (dash-dotted magenta lines).
Figure 15. Interpreted section of sub-bottom profile 423, transecting Resource Area 1 (See Figure 8 for line location). The image shows the east end of the sub-bottom profile towards the right. Changes in depositional environments and unconformities are labeled and delineated. See text for detailed descriptions. Depth is reported in meters below sea surface with an assumed sound velocity of 1524 m s-1.
Figure 15. The “Consortium” section Figure 16: The UNIPI business cards

Examples of Figure 15 in a sentence

  • If your issuance is superseding material found elsewhere but it cannot incorporate or cancel that document, put this information in the final bullet of the Purpose (see Figure 15).

  • We do this using the importance sampling framework discussed in Section 3.3. Here, werelations to be true and use the observed values of κMto estimate Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/490/4/5335/5586605 by guest on 17 February 2021| |Figure 15.

  • This simplification is justified by the reference trim results (see Figure 15) where the drag of components other than the wing have a relatively small drag variations on the short design mission.

  • For oil fuel flow systems, if the fuel flow system measures mass flow rate of oil directly, leave blank the following data elements:• Volumetric Flow Rate• Volumetric Units of Measure Code• Source of Data Volumetric CodeHourly Fuel Flow Data XML Model Figure 15: Hourly Fuel Flow Data XML Elements Hourly Fuel Flow Data XML Elements Fuel Code (FuelCode)Report the type of oil or gaseous fuel combusted during the hour for the system.

  • Section class 1 and class 2 flange slenderness limits for HSS square hollow sections shown in Figure 15 are determined following the rotation requirement R > 3 and resistance Mu/Mpl > 1 criteria.

More Definitions of Figure 15

Figure 15. The baseline representation of the Rosetta water system, using the WSM DSS Figure 16: Current and future land use plans in Rosetta
Figure 15. Scatter plots with Xxxxxxx´s tau correlation coefficient (τ) and p values for the associations between otolith Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca and δ18O measurements. Linear interpolation (blue line) is also shown.
Figure 15. The upper panel is the same as in Figure 13 and is shown here to help the comparison with the Qs as function of time shown in the lower panel. The dots in the lower panel indicate the mean value of the Qs obtained for each analysed event (St.Gallen site). The red line corresponds to the moving average.
Figure 15. How individuals moved through each compartment in a high-income country versus in a low-income country (base model). Individuals in high-income countries (solid lines) moved into the the infected class (red) at a much slower pace than in low-income countries (dashed lines). The case-fatality rate for high-income countries was 0.845% while in the low- income country it was 2.50%. Likewise, the TAR for the high-income country was 19.4% while the TAR in low-income countries was 72.1%.
Figure 15. Cereal usage in EU-15 countries. Source: authors, based on FAOSTAT (2017).
Figure 15The information cascade as appears in EUNOMIA’s Digital Companion (early engineering prototype visualisation).
Figure 15. [top left] Model for the numerical simulations. The model consists of a cap- (light grey on faults) and a reservoir rock mass (dark grey) that are cut by permeable faults. Injection of cold water is through an open hole section in the southern compartment (blue line) while production is conducted in the northern compartment (red line). [top right] Results of the simulation with poroelastic rock mass. Large areas of the southern fault become destabilised during injection (red), while the northern fault is stabilised by production (green). Stability on the faults is not aligned with pore pressure (isolines). The rock mass shows some increase in differential stresses at the injection well and close to the faults (red isobar). In the production compartment large volumes get depressurised as indicated by the blue isobar. [bottom left] Results from simulation with a non-homogeneous fracture containing rock mass highlight reduced areas of stability change on faults. [bottom right] The results of simulation of the influence of a hydraulic fracture treatment show comparable fault stability pattern compared to the homogeneous solution (top right) but with altered influence on rock mass. 22 Figure 16: Diagram of the de- and stabilized areas on the faults (left) and moment magnitude (right). 24 Fracture mechanics simulation, Fracture network evolution, Permeability changes, Upscaling of permeability, Hydraulic stimulation dfn distinct fracture network FEM finite element method XFEM extended finite element method