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Figure 16 definition

Figure 16. Calient Software defined packet-optical datacenter networks[Calient].
Figure 16. Bittrex controlled wallet: interactions between controller, sweeper, and wallets. user or contract representing e.g. an exchange, E, deploys two companion contracts in a single transaction: a controller C and a default sweeper D (1). In further transactions, E calls C with makeWallet (2). This prompts C to deploy wallets Wi (3). In total, 2.5 M wallets have been deployed this way. The wallet addresses can be given to customers, who publish them to receive Ether and tokens. The control over the wallets, however, stays with E, similar to accounts of traditional banks. Now suppose Ether or tokens owned by W1 are to be transferred to the destination address d. First, E calls C with changeDestination to store d in the controller (4). Destination addresses are changed rarely (so far 65 times for all controllers, in total). Then E initiates the transfer by calling the wallet with sweep, passing W1 the token address (0 for Ether) and the amount (5). The wallet asks the controller for the sweeper in charge of the token (6). Next, the wallet performs a delegate call to the sweeper, D, handing over token address and the amount (7). The delegate call has the effect that all actions by the sweeper will seem to originate from the wallet even though the code is actually contained in the sweeper. The sweeper calls the controller several times to learn the destination address and to check permissions (8). Then it performs the token transfer or sends the Ether (9). Finally, on successful completion, the sweeper prompts the controller to issue the event LogSweep (10).
Figure 16. The example of a) risk curve and b) risk matrix for demonstration of RA assessment in RiskWISE®.

Examples of Figure 16 in a sentence

  • Figure 16 Vector Diagram of Smoke velocity in Inlet Area of the First Layer Catalyst under at 100% Load with Diversion Plate Figure 17 Schematic Diagram of Flow Lines in the First Layer of Catalyst Under the Condition at 100% Load with Guide PlateAs it is can be seen from FIG.

  • Figure 16 Base Stock system As seen on Figure 16 the manufacturing process is represented by MPi and the link between stages is modelled by a synchronization station at the output of each stage.

  • It employs more than 24,000 people worldwide and with a turnover of almost EUR 8.1 million it is even listed on Euronext Amsterdam.Initially, DSM was focused on the coal market but nowadays, as shown in Figure 16, it is more diversified and includes human and animal nutrition and health, personal care pharmaceuticals, automotive, coatings and paint, electrics and electronics, life protection and housing.

  • This is accomplished by adding eight “dummy” clocks after the 24-bit address as shown in Figure 16.

  • The entry width of the guide for standard 50 mm diameter fifth wheel couplings shall be at least 350 mm (see Figure 16).

More Definitions of Figure 16

Figure 16. Modular structure of the baseline switch architecture. Not all connections are showed. The switch architecture is extremely modular. A port-arbiter, a crossbar multiplexer and an output buffer are instantiated for each output port, while a routing module is cascaded to the buffer stage of each input port. We implement logic-based distributed routing (LBDR), which computes target switch output ports by means of combinational logic and a dozen of configuration bits [16]. Bit re-computation is performed by a centralized NoC manager by changing these latter bits. For this purpose, we exploited the fault-tolerant control network proposed in [7] taking care to deliver the control bits from the global manager to the switches and vice versa. The logic enabling the OSR-Lite mechanism was integrated into the above mentioned baseline switch taking care to preserve its modularity together with its performance. Thus, the OSR-Lite logic was designed in new modules plugged in the switch without affecting the existing blocks. Moreover, the new modules were instantiated for each switch port following the modularity of the baseline blocks (the OSR-Lite mechanism can be extended for switches of every arity by means of simple logic replication).
Figure 16. Interpreted section of sub-bottom profile 423, transecting the easternmost portion of Resource Area 1 (See Figure 8 for line location). The image shows the east end of the sub-bottom profile towards the right. Changes in depositional environments and unconformities are labeled and delineated. See text for detailed descriptions. Depth is reported in meters below sea surface with an assumed sound velocity of 1524 m s-1.
Figure 16. Regional specificity of L-DOPA effects. Microinjection of L-DOPA (200 pg) into the striatum of DRD mice significantly reduced abnormal movements (F2,8=6.8, one way repeated measures ANOVA; p<0.01 Xxxx Sidak post hoc analysis), whereas cerebellar microinjections did not (p>0.1, Xxxx Sidak post hoc analysis). Microinjection experiments were performed at 2pm. Values represent mean ± SEM; *p<0.05. Figure 17: L-DOPS response in DRD mice. (A) Peripheral administration of 1 g/kg L-DOPS did not affect abnormal movements in DRD mice (p>0.1, Student’s t test). (B) Similarly, 1 g/kg L-DOPS did not affect locomotion (p>0.1, Student’s t test). L-DOPS experiments were performed at 8pm. Values represent mean ± SEM
Figure 16. Viisage's Digital Driver License Central Card System with VIS The proposed card production system simplifies the manufacturing process by both reducing the amount of manpower required1 as well as minimize any possible human errors that may occur. The entire manufacturing process can be simplified into two steps. The first step is to coordinate the production job. This is done via the Central Manufacturing Executive. The second step is to load the printers with consumables and begin processing the jobs. Upon completion of the second step the cards are ready inserted to the Vision inspection by carrying them to the VIS and then for distribution.
Figure 16. What are the main issues related to disabled students and the use of IT in school?
Figure 16. Static simulation: illuminance evaluation for the 21st of June at different hours (from 9.00am, to 12.00am).
Figure 16. Hand exposure: Plot of 95% CIs (grey lines), geometric means (red lines) and medians (black dashed lines) for the log10(model outputs) with the log10(measured potential dermal exposure (hands)*) (blue circles=aerial, purple squares=boom sprayer, red diamonds=broadcast sprayer, orange crosses=hand-held sprayers) (all M&L periods combined) * including data sets which have model inputs that were imputed log10(Potential dermal exposure (µg/hands)) 0.1 0.01 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Index Figure 17: Whole body exposure: Plot of log10(measured potential dermal exposure (body)) and log10(geometric mean(model outputs)) (Red circles= datasets where no model inputs needed to be imputed; blue circles= data sets which have model inputs that were imputed) (all M&L periods combined) 1e+07 log10 (Measured potential dermal exposure(µg/body)) 1e+06 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1