Final Analysis definition
Examples of Final Analysis in a sentence
HB 694 and The Ohio Legislative Service Commission’s Final Analysis of the Bill can be found on the HCJFS public website located at, under the Community Providers information tab.
HB 694 and The Ohio Legislative Service Commission’s Final Analysis of the Bill can be found on the Hamilton County Job & Family Service’s (HCJFS) public website located at, under the Community Providers information tab.
In the Recommendation and Final Analysis the CSD has considered the overall score in the written application, information obtained during the Capacity Interview and Community Input Hearing, and information obtained from the letters of support or opposition received after the Community Input Hearing.
The statistical design foresees the conduct of two interim analyses, as follows: ▪ Interim Analysis for futility after 100 DFS events have occurred▪ Interim Analysis of overall survival which coincides with the Final Analysis of DFS after 360 DFS have been reported by the investigational sitesThe execution of the interim analysis for futility is a completely confidential process assigned to the Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC, also see section 11.10).
HB 694 and The Ohio Legislative Service Commission’s Final Analysis of the Bill can be found on the HCJFS public website located at, under the Community Providers information tab.All individuals or entities interested in contracting with Hamilton County, Ohio are required by HB 694 to complete the applicable affidavit certifying compliance with contribution limits set forth by the Bill.
New Mexico Public Education Department, Charter Schools DivisionPOLARIS CHARTER SCHOOL, Recommendation & Final Analysis to PECAugust 2019 III.
Since PRECILAB has no control over Customer's use of the data contained in the Final Analysis after delivery to Customer, PRECILAB cannot guarantee, and shall under no circumstances be held liable for any claims, representations, or warranties given to any and all third parties by Customer.
PRECILAB shall not be required to deliver any Final Analysis to the Customer if any invoice for previously shipped Final Analysis' remains unpaid for more than thirty (30) days after the Delivery Date thereof.
We do not have Final Analysis catalogues for the small ELAIS survey areas (Paper I), so we supple- ment the Final Analysis catalogue with optically identified sources from the Preliminary Analysis, which are almost entirely in these supplementary small fields.
Final Analysis and Evaluation of the INDECO Indicators, INDECO, Project Deliverable Numbers 23 and 24, 39 pp.