Examples of Firm Load Shedding in a sentence
Where we agree to supply gas to your premises and you are subject to Firm Load Shedding by a gas transporter as a result of a Gas Deficit Emergency, we agree to pay you (as soon as reasonably practicable) a DSR payment provided that we receive payment applicable to you from the relevant gas transporter.
In the event that the accepted Multi-day Offer contract durations runs beyond Firm Load Shedding, the payment will continue to be paid in accordance with the agreed DSR Offer price until the contract duration finishes.
A move towards a world of “universal firm” would shift significant volumes (circa 40mcm/day) from stage 1 of an emergency to stage 3 Firm Load Shedding.
Firm Load Shedding was directed by MISO to balance supply and demand for 11 hours.
In advance of the 2015 DN Firm Load Shedding exercises, the E3 alignment group agreed a common template for capturing data from the exercise including any reasons given by sites that said they would not stop taking gas to enable further analysis.
More precisely, entan- gling A and B then requires that the two distinct quantum registers which hold the corresponding simulated qubits are merged into one single quantum register, followed by an update of the corresponding simulatedQubit s thatthe virtualQubit s are mapped to.SimulaQron solves this problem by transparently merg- ing the registers in the background.
This may therefore prevent Gas Consumers with more critical loads being unilaterally interrupted by National Grid during a GDE Stage 2 – Firm Load Shedding, whilst simultaneously mitigating the high costs and risks on the industry, associated with an escalation into a Gas Deficit Emergency.The outcome of Ofgem’s SoS SCR concluded that there would be merit in further development of a DSR mechanism.
The DNs are undertaking two specific pieces or work with the HSE, namely: • Reviewing the current Safety Case with regard to ‘Sectorisation’o how best to isolate parts of the network to enable delivery of Firm Load Shedding; and• Impacts relating to Interruption Reformo practical areas to focus on, such as customers moving from interruptible to firm status and the impact of the auction outcomes.
DSR Payments will continue to be made for each day where a relevant site (that is curtailed due to DR Firm Load Shedding) is NOT within the area of an LDZ that is subject to Network Isolation.2.6. During Stage 2+ SAP will NOT be derived from any prices or volumes associated with either DR or NDR involuntary DSR.2.7. Storage and interconnector Users will not be entitled to DSR payments.