First Mile Connectivity definition
Examples of First Mile Connectivity in a sentence
This community managed broadband network has a great impact since it brought affordable and reliable access to the Internet in a remote region and opens access to the limitless opportunities that the Internet often provides to its users.45 First Mile Connectivity Consortium Across Canada, First Nations are building broadband systems and using them to serve their communities through theFirst Mile Connectivity Consortium.
In their recent submission to the CRTC, the First Mile Connectivity Consortium (2015) proposed the creation of a Northern Infrastructure and Services Fund to support this infrastructure development work.
The Customer shall be responsible for transportation of the Consignment from the Loading Point to the Loading ICD and from the Delivery ICD to the Delivery Point and for storage of the Consignment at the Loading ICD and/or the Delivery ICD, as the case may be, unless the Customer agrees to avail, and ALL agrees to render, the First Mile Connectivity Services, the Last Mile Connectivity Services and/or the Storage Services in accordance with the Contract Documents.
SERVICES 1.1. ALL shall provide the First Mile Connectivity Services to the Customer and transport the Consignment as consigned by the Customer from the Loading Point to the Loading ICD.
The First Mile Connectivity Consortium (FMCC) team worked with many people and organizations to produce this report.
Leer más.In this podcast, Rob McMahon, co-founder of the First Mile Connectivity Consortium, tells us how some indigenous communities are finding their own connectivity solutions.Listen here.When communities get together to deal with a shared need such as connectivity, the cohesion created by working together inspires a collective approach to other problems.
Developing strategic alliances with public research universities, such as that of SWIFT with the Regional and Rural Broadband (R2B2) at the University of Guelph or the University of Alberta partnership with he First Mile Connectivity Consortium (FMCC), can also enhance performance monitoring capacity and data stewardship.
Source: NSE)● Coal India Limited invests approximately Rs 24,750 Crores in 61 First Mile Connectivity (FMC) projects to promote eco-friendly coal transportation.
Calling themselves the First Mile Connectivity Consortium (FMCC), the group’s membership extended across Canada, concentrated in rural and remote regions of Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, and Atlantic Canada.
Recognizing that marginalized groups such as Indigenous communities and residents of remote and rural areas face daunting challenges as they attempt to influence regulatory and policy decision-‐making, the First Mile Connectivity Consortium supports under-‐resourced groups to have their voices heard in regulatory proceedings alongside well-‐ resourced corporate interests.