First Testing Period definition
Examples of First Testing Period in a sentence
The knowledge gained during these meetings relative to the First Testing Period carried forward into the Second Testing Period and was supplemented by the PPF, as necessary or appropriate, through continued interaction with the IRG and Servicer.2. Review.
These reviews were of the same type as those undertaken by the PPF in performing its confirmatory work for the First Testing Period and Second Testing Period and included access to information of the type substantially identical to that to which it was afforded access relative to its confirmatory work for the First Testing Period and Second Testing Period.
These reviews were of the same type as those undertaken by the PPF in performing its confirmatory work for the First Testing Period and included access to information of the type substantially identical to that to which it was afforded access relative to its confirmatory work for the First Testing Period.
A breakdown of the Consumer Relief credit, by type 29 In the First Interim Report, I noted that Servicer had elected to not seek credit during the First Testing Period for $5,094,331 of second lien principal reduction relief that was afforded to borrowers and reported as part of Servicer’s State Report for quarter ending December 31, 2012.30 See, footnotes 13 and 28, above, and footnote 32, below.31 See, footnote 20, above.
Based upon the procedures described above and in the First Interim Report and the Second Interim Report, from the Start Date through June 30, 2013, without taking into account any 28 In the First Interim Report, I noted that Servicer had elected to not seek credit during the First Testing Period for$5,094,331 in aggregate relief from Second Lien Portfolio Modifications that was afforded to borrowers and reported as part of Servicer’s State Report for the quarter ending December 31, 2012.
The knowledge gained during these meeting relative to the First Testing Period carried forward into the Second Testing Period and was supplemented by the PPF as necessary or appropriate through continued interaction with the IRG and Servicer.
These reviews were of the same type as those undertaken by the PPF in performing its confirmatory work for the First Testing Period and included access to information of the type substantially identical to that to which it was afforded access relative to it confirmatory work for the First Testing Period.
In addition, during the Second Testing Period, the PPF continued to interact with the IRG and Servicer to gain additional information and evidence necessary to the PPF performing its confirmatory work.The knowledge gained during the First Testing Period and Second Testing Period carried forward into the testing conducted pursuant to the Florida Agreement and was supplemented by the PPF, as necessary or appropriate, through continued interaction with the IRG and Servicer.
The knowledge gained during the First Testing Period and Second Testing Period carried forward into the Third Testing Period and was supplemented by the PPF as necessary or appropriate through continued interaction with the IRG and Servicer.
The knowledge gained during the First Testing Period and Second Testing Period carried forward into the Third Testing Period and was supplemented by the PPF as necessary or appropriate through continued interaction with the IRG and Servicer.2. Review.