Three Weeks. Each employee who has completed three (3) years of continuous service in the 'employ of the Company and has worked a minimum of one-thousand (1,000) hours for the Company during the preceding twelve (12) months, (December 1st - November 30th) shall be entitled to a total of three (3) consecutive weeks vacation with pay equal to three (3) full weeks’ straight-time pay at the employee's regular rate or six percent (6%) of annual gross earnings, whichever is greater.
Three Weeks. When accredited service is five (5) years or more all regular employees shall be entitled to vacation time off of three weeks.
Three Weeks. A vacation of three (3) weeks shall be granted with pay to all employees covered by this Agreement who have worked for the Employer for a period of eight years or more.
Three Weeks. Employees having ten (10) years or more but less than twenty
Three Weeks. Commencing with the calendar year in which five (5) years net credited service is, or will be achieved, regular employees shall be entitled to three (3) weeks vacation.
Three Weeks. For the fifth (5th) and subsequent years of continuous service completed, an employee shall earn annual vacation of three (3) weeks, and shall receive pay for such vacation in an amount equal to six percent (6%) of gross earnings for the year in which vacation entitlement is earned.
Three Weeks. Ever y empl oyee upon compl et i on of t hr ee ( 3) year s cont i nuous ser vi ce i s ent i t l ed t o a vacat i on of t hr ee ( 3) weeks. Vacat i on pay i s cal cul at ed on a basi s of si x per cent ( 6%) of gr oss wages ear xxx dur i ng t he pr evi ous cal endar year , or t hr ee ( 3) weeks' pay, whi chever i s t he gr eat er .
Three Weeks. Mod/Severe, Medically Fragile, Bridge, START, Autism, and IOP Special Ed Classes ELD I, II, III Classes On Campus up to 4 Days per week Teachers Choice Virtual or In Person Slow & Stringent Phased Approach to Initially Bring Students Back to Campus Mod/Severe, Medically Fragile, Bridge, START, Autism, and IOP Special Ed Classes After School On campus learning opportunities (non- credit with the exception of dual enrollment classes) open for all students Increasing from 8% up to 25% of total school population Not to exceed 8% of total school population
Three Weeks. When net credited service is five (5) years, but less than fifteen (15) years, all regular employees shall be entitled to vacation time off of three (3) weeks. Three
Three Weeks. Each employee who has continuous service of five (5) years but less than ten (10) years as of December 31 shall be eligible for three (3) weeks' vacation with pay. Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx {PBC} 4/24/16 5:43 PM