Human Health. 1. Enhancing public health program planning and coordination through strengthening the institutional capacity of the MOH to command and control in a coordinated fashion with the MARA the implementation of the National Pandemic Influenza Action Plan and support the National Committee for the Control of Zoonotic Diseases to provide coordination among relevant ministries and agencies.
Human Health. The Parties shall establish action levels to protect human healthbased on multimedia exposure and the interactive effects of toxic substances.
Human Health. 1. Provision of technical assistance for enhancing public health program planning and coordination, through: (a) strengthening command and coordination mechanisms within the health sector; (b) revising the Ministry of Health’s contingency plan; (c) preparing a detailed plan defining operational priorities and identifying roles and responsibilities at each level of the health system; and (d) developing an implementation plan for “social distancing” and “hospital clean-out” measures in the case of an epidemic.
Human Health. 6.1 Introduction 1
Human Health. AFRA recognizes that, in many African Member States, health services are inadequate and health sector indicators are below the world average. Health status indicators in Africa, such as life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate are generally low compared to the world average. Poor health is generally an indicator of and contributor to poverty. Major health problems include the prevalence of malnutrition and the high incidence of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis and yellow fever, as well as non-communicable diseases, mainly cancer, prenatal mortality, child mortality, diabetes, coronary artery diseases, and short life expectancy in general. Some ongoing programmes are expected to improve the current situation but many threats remain such as the lack of sustained funding and human resources. Increased incidence of non communicable diseases like cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases is expected. Major health problems identified in human health to be addressed by nuclear techniques are:
Human Health. As mentioned above, this is the area with the highest participation level and where the countries and the IAEA have invested the greatest share of resources under ARCAL since 1989. Details on the more important accomplishments are given below.
Human Health. Provision of support to strengthen health sector preparedness and response capacity including: (a) enhancing public health program, planning, delivery and coordination; (b) strengthening national public heath surveillance system; and (c) strengthening health system response capacity; all through provision of technical advisory services, acquisition of goods, equipment, vaccines, and drugs, carrying out of civil works, and facilitation of training and workshops.
Human Health. Section 1.8 to the contrary notwithstanding, Pfizer shall have the right to develop Products that can be used for the treatment of bacterial diseases in humans. If Pfizer decides to develop a Product for use in humans, the terms and conditions of the License and Royalty Agreement between the parties to this Agreement, dated March 1, 1996, shall apply.
Human Health. The human health risk assessment (HHRA) will rely on analytical results associated with Phase I soil, groundwater, surface water, and soil gas samples, as well as historical groundwater and soil samples collected at the site. This section focuses on the Phase I samples of specific relevance to characterizing potential human health exposures both on and off site. These samples are associated with four investigations identified under Task 3 (Field Investigation/Data Acquisition) in the RI/FS work plan. Discussed below is the HHRA-related sampling conducted as part of each of these investigations: geological and storm sewer investigations (Section 4.9.1); hydrogeologic investigations (Section 4.9.2); surface water investigation (Section 4.9.3); and sub-slab vapor monitoring investigation (Section 4.9.4).
Human Health. The royalty rates and milestone payments set forth above shall apply to Products for the treatment of animal bacterial diseases only. If Pfizer chooses to develop a Licensed Product for the treatment of diseases in humans, the parties agree that the royalty rates and milestones set forth in the License and Royalty Agreement between the parties to this Agreement for human health Products, dated March 1, 1996, shall apply to such Products.